Archive a git branch

Save this code into a bash script file & call it from any sub-directory of a git repository. This MUST be called from within your git directory or a sub-directory of it.

echo "Will Archive branch at $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)."
echo "You must not be on the branch you're archiving."
git config --get remote.origin.url
git branch -a
read -p "Enter Branch Name: " branch;
# git checkout master
case $branch in
    "" ) echo "Empty branch name. Exiting";exit;;
    "q" ) echo "Empty branch name. Exiting";exit;;
    "n" ) echo "Empty branch name. Exiting";exit;;

git tag archive/$branch $branch
git push --tags
git branch -D $branch
git branch -d -r origin/$branch
git push origin :$branch

To use it

  1. Copy+paste the code into a file with no extension or a .sh extension wherever you like
  2. chmod ug+x - The script must be executable
  3. cd ~/dir/to/git/repo/
  4. /path/to/ & follow the prompts