Happy Birthday in Sonic Pi
This is a very simplistic rendition of the Happy Birthday song, played with Sonic Pi. Thanks to Musescore for the sheet music
I wrote it in code from the sheet music. play 60
is like playing middle-c on a piano.
To play notes procedurally, it was necessary to mix sustain & sleep like so:
play 60, sustain: 1
sleep 1
play 61 ...
Of note was the need to set the beats-per-minute with use_bpm 90
. As the sheet music is in 3/4 time
, I THINK this is correct. I think that's how it works, but I'm very novice at music & even more novice at sonic pi (though much more experienced coding in general).
Happy Birthday Code
I have not gone through it again to ensure I got the notes correct
# Welcome to Sonic Pi v2.10
#60 = Middle C
use_bpm 90
use_synth piano
# 1 measure = 3 beats (3/4 time).
# if 120-bpm, then 3 beats per measure means 40 measures per minute
# this yields 60sec/40measures = 1.33 (or 3/2) seconds per measure
# But I want one measure to = 1 second
# So, I switched to 90 bpm
# first measure
sleep 2
play 64, sustain: 0.5
sleep 0.5
play 64, sustain: 0.5
sleep 0.5
play 65, sustain: 1
play 57, sustain: 2
play 55, sustain: 2
play 53, sustain: 2
sleep 1
play 64, sustain: 1
sleep 1
# 2nd measure
play 67, sustain: 1
sleep 1
play 66, sustain: 2
play 57, sustain: 2
play 56, sustain: 2
play 54, sustain: 2
sleep 2
# 3rd measure
play 64, sustain: 0.5
sleep 0.5
play 64, sustain: 0.5
sleep 0.5
play 65, sustain: 1
play 57, sustain: 2
play 56, sustain: 2
play 52, sustain: 2
sleep 1
play 64, sustain: 1
sleep 1
# 4th measure
play 68, sustain: 1
sleep 1
play 67, sustain: 2
play 57, sustain: 2
play 56, sustain: 2
play 54, sustain: 2
sleep 2
# 5th measure
play 64, sustain: 0.5
sleep 0.5
play 64, sustain: 0.5
sleep 0.5
play 71, sustain: 1
play 60, sustain: 2
play 58.5, sustain: 2
play 55, sustain: 2
sleep 1
play 69, sustain: 1
sleep 1
#6th Measure
play 67, sustain: 1
sleep 1
play 66, sustain: 1
play 60, sustain: 2
play 58, sustain: 2
play 56, sustain: 2
sleep 1
play 65, sustain: 1
sleep 1
# 6th Measure
play 70, sustain: 0.5
sleep 0.5
play 70, sustain: 0.5
sleep 0.5
play 69, sustain: 1
play 60, sustain: 2
play 57, sustain: 2
play 55, sustain: 2
sleep 1
play 67, sustain: 1
sleep 1
# 7th measure, final
play 68, sustain: 1
play 57, sustain: 1
play 56, sustain: 1
play 54, sustain: 1
sleep 1
play 64, sustain: 2
play 57, sustain: 2
play 55, sustain: 2
play 53, sustain: 2
sleep 2