namespace Tlf\BigDb;
* Provides common verbs like insert, update, select, and delete. Does not handle converstions from array to Orm
trait SqlVerbs {
* Get array results. Uses standard PDO prepare/bind/execute/fetchAll(FETCH_ASSOC).
* @param $sql regular sql code
* @param $binds an array of binds, as used by PDO.
public function sql_query(string $sql, array $binds = []): array{
$stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
return $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
* Insert a row into the database.
* @param $table the sql table name
* @param $row array<string, mixed> a row to insert with @key=db column & @value=db value
* @return newly inserted id
public function insert(string $table, array $row): int {
return $this->ldb->insert($table, $row);
* Update the database. Can affect multiple rows.
* @param $table table name
* @param $where array<string, mixed> WHERE clauses, where dbcolumn (@key) = db value (@value)
* @param $new_values array<string, mixed> the new values to set where the @key is the db column & @value is the db value.
* @return number of rows affected
public function update(string $table, array $where, array $new_values): int {
return $this->ldb->updateWhere($table, $new_values, $where);
* Get an array of rows for the given where clauses clauses.
* @param $table string table name
* @param $where array<string, mixed> of where-clauses. Each key=>value pair is a `WHERE/AND key = value`
* @return an array of rows, as returned by the database
public function select(string $table, array $where): array {
return $this->ldb->select($table, $where);
* Delete rows from a table
* @param $table string table name
* @param $where array<string, mixed> of where-clauses. Each key=>value pair is a `WHERE/AND key = value`
* @return true if any rows were deleted. false otherwise
public function delete(string $table, array $where) : bool {
return $this->ldb->delete($table, $where);