File test/input/BigOrm/Article.php
class Tlf\BigDb\Test\Article
public bool $is_deleted = false;
ONLY after a deletion. Really just for testing. -
public bool $checked_will_delete = false;
after onWillDelete is called. Really just for testing. -
public int $id;
public string $title;
public string $body;
public string $uuid;
public \DateTime $createdAt;
public \DateTime $updatedAt;
protected Author $author;
public Status $status;
public string $url;
private int $author_id;
protected string $slug;
public function set_from_db(array $row)
public function set_from_form(array $data, mixed $form_id = null)
public function get_db_row(): array
public function setAuthor(Author $author)
public function getAuthor(): Author
public function setSlug(string $slug)
public function onWillSave(array $row): array
Generates a UUID if not set on the row. Sets$this->uuid
public function onDidSave(array $row)
Refresh the object, to populate createdAt and updatedAt if they are not already set, since they are generated in the database. -
public function onWillDelete(array $row): bool
Set$this->checked_will_delete = true
public function onDidDelete(array $row)
Set$this->is_deleted = true