File src/Scrawl.php

class Tlf\Scrawl

Central class for running scrawl.
See source code at /src/Scrawl.php



  • public array $stuff = []; array for get/set
  • public array $extensions = [ 'code'=>[], ];
  • public array $ScrawlExtensions = []; Array of \Tlf\Scrawl\Extension objects
  • public \Tlf\Scrawl\Ext\MdVerbs $mdverb_ext; \Tlf\Scrawl\Ext\MdVerbs
  • public string $file_bootstrap = null; absolute path to php file to require() before scrawl runs
  • public string $dir_docs = null; absolute path to your documentation dir
  • public string $dir_root = null; absolute path to the root of your project
  • public string $dir_src = null; absolute path to the documentation source dir
  • public array $dir_scan = []; array of relative path to dirs to scan, within your dir_root
  • public array $verb_handlers = []; array of handlers for the mdverb extension
  • public array $template_dirs = []; absolute path to directories that contain md templates
  • public bool $markdown_preserveNewLines = true; if true, append two spaces to every line so all new lines are parsed as new lines
  • public bool $markdown_prependGenNotice = true; if true, add an html comment to md docs saying not to edit directly
  • public bool $readme_copyFromDocs = true; if true, copies docs/ to project root
  • public bool $deleteExistingDocs = false; If true will delete all files in your docs dir before running
  • public string $api_output_dir = 'api/'; Which directory to write Class/Method/Property info to
  • public bool $api_generate_readme = true; True to generate a README listing all classes, inside the api_output_dir
  • public array $options = []; Array of values, typically passed in through cli


  • public function __construct(array $options=[])

  • public function parse_rel_path(string $base_path, string $target_path, bool $use_realpath = true): string Get the relative path within target_path, if it starts with root_path

  • public function get_doc_path(\Tlf\Cli $cli, array $args): string Cli function to get the absolute path to a code file

  • public function get_doc_source_path(\Tlf\Cli $cli, array $args): string Cli function to get the absolute path to a documentation source file for a .md file

  • public function get_template(string $name, array $args) Get a template stored on disk. $name should be relative path without extension. $args is passed to template code, but not extracted. Template files must end with .md.php or just .php.

  • public function get(string $group, string $key)

  • public function get_group(string $group)

  • public function set(string $group, string $key, $value)

  • public function parse_str($str, $ext)

  • public function write_doc(string $rel_path, string $content) save a file to disk in the documents directory

  • public function write_file(string $rel_path, string $content) save a file to disk in the root directory

  • public function read_file(string $rel_path) Read a file from disk, from the project root

  • public function read_doc(string $rel_path) Read a file from disk, from the project docs dir

  • public function doc_path(string $rel_path) get a path to a docs file

  • public function report(string $msg) Output a message to cli (may do logging later, idk)

  • public function warn($header, $message) Output a message to cli, header highlighted in red

  • public function good($header, $message) Output a message to cli, header highlighted in red

  • public function prepare_md_content(string $markdown) apply small fixes to markdown

  • public function get_all_docsrc_files()

  • public function get_all_scan_files(): array get array of all files in $scrawl->dir_scan

  • public function generate_apis() Generate api docs for all files
    (currently only php files)

  • public function generate_apis_readme() Create a README file that lists all of the classes in the API dir.

  • public function generate_api($rel_path) Generate api doc for a single file
    (currently only php files)

  • public function get_all_classes(): array Get an array of all classes scanned within this repo.

  • public function get_all_traits(): array Get an array of all classes scanned within this repo.

  • public function setup_extensions(array $extension_classes) Array of \Tlf\Scrawl\Extension objects

  • public function run() Execute scrawl in its entirety

  • public function get_ast(string $file): array get an array ast from a file
    Currently only supports php files
    Also sets the ast to scrawl

  • public function setup_mdverb_ext() get the class ast