

namespace Tlf\Lia;

class Common {

    protected $lia;

    public function __construct($lia){
        $this->lia = $lia;

    public function enable_markdown(){
            [$this, 'convert_to_markdown']

    public function enable_seo_parsing(){
            [$this, 'parse_seo_content']

    public function convert_to_markdown($route, $response){

        $url = $response->request->url();
        if (substr($url,-1)!='/')return;

        $hasMarkdownNode = strpos($response->content, '<markdown>') !== false;

        if (!$hasMarkdownNode)$response->content = '<markdown>'.$response->content.'</markdown>';

        while(($start=strpos($response->content, '<markdown>'))!==false){
            $tagLen = strlen('<markdown>');
            $mdStart = $start + $tagLen;
            $end = strpos($response->content, '</markdown>', $start);
            $md = substr($response->content, $mdStart, $end-$mdStart);
            $cmark = new \League\CommonMark\CommonMarkConverter();
            $convertedToHtml = $cmark->convertToHtml($md);
            $response->content = substr($response->content, 0,$start)
                . $convertedToHtml
                . substr($response->content, $end + strlen('</markdown>'));

        if (!$hasMarkdownNode){
            $response->content = '<section>' . $response->content . '</section>';

    function parse_seo_content($route, $response){
        $lia = $this->lia;
        try {
            $phtml = new \Taeluf\PHTML($response->content);
            $h1 = $phtml->xpath('//h1')[0] ?? null;
            if ($h1===null)return;
            $p = $phtml->xpath('//p')[0];
            $img = $phtml->xpath('//img')[0]?? null;
            if ($img!==null)$lia->seoImage($lia->urlWithDomain($img->src), $img->alt);
        } catch (\Exception $e){
           // just leave it be 

     * This code is being used in one of my websites. I just haven't bothered to make this robust yet.
    // function add_breadcrumb($route, $response){
    //     // if (strlen($url)>7&&substr($url,0,7)=='/covid/' && ($_GET['action']??null) != 'print'){
    //         // $breadcrumb = '<small><a href="/covid/">Covid</a></small>';
    //         // $response->content = $breadcrumb."  \n\n".$response->content;
    //     // } else if (strlen($url)>6&&substr($url,0,6)=='/foia/' && ($_GET['action']??null) != 'print'){
    //         // $breadcrumb = '<small><a href="/foia/">Foia</a></small>';
    //         // $response->content = $breadcrumb."  \n\n".$response->content;
    //     // }
    // }
