
prompt_choose_function "${help_mode} core" "core" "Most used commands? (Idk)" "${help_mode} delete" "delete" "delete branches" "${help_mode} log" "log" "List commits" "${help_mode} merge" "merge" "Merge current branch into another branch" "${help_mode} more" "more" "Extra functions... that I'm not sure how to sort." "${help_mode} move" "move" "Move your repo to another git host" "${help_mode} setup" "setup" "setup things like your git user name" "${help_mode} show" "show" "show... stuff" "${help_mode} ssh" "ssh" "ssh things" "${help_mode} depend" "depend" "experimental feature" "${help_mode} help" "help" "--" "${help_mode} new" "new" "new branch/feature/repo" "${help_mode} reset" "reset" "Reset stuff to previous states" "${help_mode} switch" "switch" "Switch branches, git hosts, & default branch"