return array (
'Example.Full' => '// variables you\'ll want to change
$source_file = $this->file(\'test/input/main.json\');
$out_prefix = $this->file(\'test/input/main.out/test_sql\');
$table_name = \'test_sql\';
// max `strlen()` of the sql put into any one output file
$max_sql_len = 1024*1024;
// a pdo instance for running the create & insert
$pdo = new \\PDO("sqlite::memory:");
// generate all the sql
$jtm = new \\Tlf\\Jtm();
$schema_info = $jtm->generate_schema_info($source_file);
$schema = $jtm->generate_schema($source_file, $schema_info);
$create_sql = $jtm->generate_sql_create($table_name, $schema);
$jtm->generate_sql_insert($source_file, $out_prefix, $table_name, $schema, $max_sql_len);
//execute the sql
$num_rows = $jtm->execute_insert_files($out_prefix, $pdo);',
'Example.ColumnData' => '[
\'name\' => [
\'maxlen\' => 4,
\'minlen\' => 4,
\'count\' => 2,
\'is_string\' => 2,
\'is_numeric\' => 0,
\'is_int\' => 0,
\'is_float\' => 0,
\'is_bool\' => 0,
\'is_array\' => 0,
\'is_date\' => 0,
\'is_json\' => 0,
\'sampleValue\' => \'row2\',
\'maxlen\' => 1,
\'minlen\' => 1,
\'count\' => 2,
\'is_string\' => 0,
\'is_numeric\' => 2,
\'is_int\' => 2,
\'is_float\' => 2,
\'is_bool\' => 0,
\'is_array\' => 0,
\'is_date\' => 0,
\'is_json\' => 0,
\'sampleValue\' => 1,