[type] => file
[namespace] =>
[class] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => class
[fqn] => Sample
[namespace] =>
[name] => Sample
[extends] => cats
[declaration] => class Sample extends cats
[methods] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => cats
[body] =>
[declaration] => public function cats()
[1] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => arg
[name] => arg
[declaration] => $arg
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => dogs
[body] =>
[declaration] => public function dogs($arg)
[2] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => arg
[name] => arg
[value] => 1
[declaration] => $arg=1
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => dogs2
[body] =>
[declaration] => public function dogs2($arg=1)
[3] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => arg
[name] => arg
[value] => 'yes'
[declaration] => $arg='yes'
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => dogs_3
[body] =>
[declaration] => public function dogs_3($arg='yes')
[4] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[docblock] => Array
[type] => docblock
[description] => bears are so cute
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => bears
[body] =>
[declaration] => public function bears()
[5] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[docblock] => Array
[type] => docblock
[description] => bears are so cute
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => bears_are_best
[body] =>
[declaration] => public function bears_are_best()
[6] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => bears_do_stuff
[body] => echo "love bears";
[declaration] => public function bears_do_stuff()
[7] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => bears_cuddle_stuff
[body] => $str = "resist the temptation to cuddle a bear. not safe. big sad";
echo $str;
[declaration] => public function bears_cuddle_stuff()
[8] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => bears_nest
[body] => $cats = 'run away from bears';
if ($cats == 'idk'){
echo "this is a block";
[declaration] => public function bears_nest()
[9] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => arg
[name] => srcCode
[declaration] => $srcCode
[docblock] => Array
[type] => docblock
[description] => Replaces inline PHP code with placeholder, indexes the placeholder, and returns the modified code
[attribute] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => attribute
[name] => param
[description] => mixed $srcCode - The source code
[1] => Array
[type] => attribute
[name] => return
[description] => string - source code with all PHP replaced by codeIds
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => cleanSource
[return_types] => Array
[0] => string
[body] => $parser = new PHPParser($srcCode);
$parsed = $parser->pieces();
[declaration] => public function cleanSource($srcCode): string
[10] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => makes_it_11
[body] =>
[declaration] => public function makes_it_11()
[11] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => output
[return_types] => Array
[0] => string
[body] => // print_r($this->code);
// // echo $this->code[0]->;
// exit;
// print_r($this->placeholder);
$code = implode("\n",$this->code);
// return $code;
$ph = [];
foreach ($this->placeholder as $id=>$codeArray){
$ph[$id] = implode('',$codeArray);
$last = $code;
while($last != $code = str_replace(array_keys($ph),$ph,$code))$last=$code;
return $code;
[declaration] => public function output(): string
[12] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => ok_13
[body] =>
[declaration] => public function ok_13()
[13] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => arg
[arg_types] => Array
[0] => string
[name] => file
[declaration] => string $file
[1] => Array
[type] => arg
[name] => chmodTo
[value] => null
[declaration] => $chmodTo=null
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => writeTo
[return_types] => Array
[0] => bool
[body] => $output = $this->output();
if (is_dir(dirname($file))){
// chmod(dirname($file),0770);
$didPut = file_put_contents($file,$output);
if ($chmodTo!==null){
// chmod($file,$chmodTo);
if ($didPut===false)return false;
else return true;
[declaration] => public function writeTo(string $file, $chmodTo=null): bool
[14] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => yep_15
[body] =>
[declaration] => public function yep_15()
[15] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => arg
[name] => html
[declaration] => $html
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => __construct
[body] => parent::__construct();
$this->srcHTML = $html;
$parser = new PHTML\PHPParser($html);
$enc = $parser->pieces();
$this->php = $enc->php;
$this->cleanSrc = $enc->html;
$this->cleanSrc = $this->cleanHTML($this->cleanSrc);
$this->registerNodeClass('DOMElement', '\\Taeluf\\PHTML\\Node');
$this->registerNodeClass('DOMText', '\\Taeluf\\PHTML\\TextNode');
// $this->registerNodeClass('DOMText', 'RBText');
$html = '<root>'.$this->cleanSrc.'</root>';
$this->formatOutput = true;
[declaration] => public function __construct($html)
[16] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => okay_17
[body] =>
[declaration] => public function okay_17()
[17] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => arg
[name] => withPHP
[value] => true
[declaration] => $withPHP=true
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => output2
[body] => // echo "\n".'-start output call-'."\n";
$list = $this->childNodes[0]->childNodes;
$hiddenTagsNodes = $this->xpath('//*[@hideOwnTag]');
foreach ($hiddenTagsNodes as $htn){
if ($htn->hideOwnTag==false||$htn->hideOwnTag=='false'){
$parent = $htn->parentNode;
$childNodeList = $htn->children;
foreach ($childNodeList as $child){
$parent->insertBefore($child, $htn);
$html = '';
foreach ($list as $item){
$html .= $this->saveHTML($item);
/** Run the php-code-replacer as long as there is a placeholder (while preventing infinite looping) */
$html = $this->fill_php($html, $withPHP);
$html = $this->restoreHtml($html);
return $html;
[declaration] => public function output2($withPHP=true)
[18] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => now_19
[body] =>
[declaration] => public function now_19()
[19] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => arg
[name] => html
[declaration] => $html
[1] => Array
[type] => arg
[name] => withPHP
[value] => true
[declaration] => $withPHP=true
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => fill_php
[body] => $maxIters = 25;
$iters = 0;
while ($iters++<$maxIters&&preg_match('/php([a-zA-Z]{26})php/', $html, $match)){
foreach ($this->php as $id=>$code){
if ($withPHP)$html = str_replace($id,$code,$html);
else $html = str_replace($id,'',$html);
if (($phpAttrVal=$this->phpAttrValue)!=null){
$html = str_replace("=\"$phpAttrVal\"", '', $html);
return $html;
[declaration] => public function fill_php($html, $withPHP=true)
[20] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => ugh_21
[body] =>
[declaration] => public function ugh_21()
[21] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => arg
[arg_types] => Array
[0] => string
[name] => tableName
[declaration] => string $tableName
[1] => Array
[type] => arg
[arg_types] => Array
[0] => array
[name] => colDefinitions
[declaration] => array $colDefinitions
[2] => Array
[type] => arg
[arg_types] => Array
[0] => bool
[name] => recreateIfExists
[value] => false
[declaration] => bool $recreateIfExists=false
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => create
[body] => $colStatements = [];
foreach ($colDefinitions as $col => $definition){
$statement = '`'.$col.'` '. $definition;
$colStatements[] = $statement;
$colsSql = implode(", ", $colStatements);
$drop = $recreateIfExists ? "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tableName}`;\n" : '';
$sql =
[declaration] => public function create(string $tableName, array $colDefinitions, bool $recreateIfExists=false)
[22] => Array
[type] => method
[args] => Array
[modifiers] => Array
[0] => public
[name] => its_23
[body] =>
[declaration] => public function its_23()