"type": "file",
"namespace": {
"type": "namespace",
"name": "Taeluf\\PHTML",
"declaration": "namespace Taeluf\\PHTML;",
"class": [
"type": "class",
"docblock": {
"type": "docblock",
"description": "Parses .php files into:\n 1. A string with placeholders for the PHP code\n 2. An array of PHP code, identified by their placeholders"
"namespace": "Taeluf\\PHTML",
"fqn": "Taeluf\\PHTML\\PHPParser",
"name": "PHPParser",
"declaration": "class PHPParser",
"properties": [
"type": "property",
"modifiers": [
"docblock": {
"type": "docblock",
"description": "The source HTML + PHP code\n",
"attribute": [
"type": "attribute",
"name": "var",
"description": "string"
"name": "src",
"declaration": "protected string $src;"
"type": "property",
"modifiers": [
"docblock": {
"type": "docblock",
"description": "The parsed pieces of code in the format:\n [\n 'html' => '<div>A string of code with php placeholders like <b>phpadsfwefhaksldfjaskdlfjaskldfjasldfkphp<\/b> <\/div> and trailing text...',\n 'php' => [\n 'phpadsfwefhaksldfjaskdlfjaskldfjasldfkphp' => '<?=\"Something echod\";?>', \n 'phpid2'=>'<?php \/\/ another code block\/?>'\n ]\n ]\nThe array is simply (object) cast"
"name": "pieces",
"declaration": "protected object $pieces;"
"methods": [
"type": "method",
"args": [
"type": "arg",
"arg_types": [
"name": "htmlPHPString",
"declaration": "string $htmlPHPString"
"docblock": {
"type": "docblock",
"description": "Create a new PHP parser instance from a string\n",
"attribute": [
"type": "attribute",
"name": "param",
"description": "mixed $htmlPHPString - a block of HTML + PHP code. PHP code will be inside open (<?php or <?=) and close (?>) tags"
"type": "attribute",
"name": "return",
"description": "void"
"modifiers": [
"name": "__construct",
"body": "$this->src = $htmlPHPString;\n$this->pieces = $this->separatePHP();",
"declaration": "public function __construct(string $htmlPHPString)"
"type": "method",
"args": [],
"docblock": {
"type": "docblock",
"description": "Return the parsed pieces. See doc for protected $pieces\n",
"attribute": [
"type": "attribute",
"name": "return",
"description": "object"
"modifiers": [
"name": "pieces",
"return_types": [
"body": "return $this->pieces;",
"declaration": "public function pieces(): object"
"type": "method",
"args": [],
"docblock": {
"type": "docblock",
"description": "Separate the source code into it's pieces. See the protected $pieces docs",
"attribute": [
"type": "attribute",
"name": "return",
"description": "object just an array cast to object"
"modifiers": [
"name": "separatePHP",
"return_types": [
"body": "$tokens = $this->tokens();\n$str = '';\n$inPHP = false;\n$phpCode = '';\n$phpList = [];\nforeach ($tokens as $index => $token){\n $token = (object)$token;\n if ($token->type=='T_OPEN_TAG'\n ||$token->type=='T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO'){\n $inPHP = true;\n }\n if (!$inPHP){\n $str .= $token->code;\n }\n if ($inPHP){\n $phpCode .= $token->code;\n }\n if ($token->type=='T_CLOSE_TAG'){\n $id = 'php'.$this->randomAlpha().'php';\n $phpList[$id] = $phpCode;\n $phpCode = '';\n $str .= $id;\n $inPHP = false;\n }\n}\nreturn (object)[\n 'php'=>$phpList,\n 'html'=>$str\n];",
"declaration": "protected function separatePHP(): object"
"type": "method",
"args": [
"type": "arg",
"name": "length",
"value": "26",
"declaration": "$length = 26"
"docblock": {
"type": "docblock",
"description": "Generates a random string of characters a-z, all lowercase & returns them\n this is used for the PHP placeholders\n",
"attribute": [
"type": "attribute",
"name": "param",
"description": "int $length"
"type": "attribute",
"name": "return",
"description": "string"
"modifiers": [
"name": "randomAlpha",
"return_types": [
"body": "return static::getRandomAlpha($length);",
"declaration": "protected function randomAlpha($length = 26): string"
"type": "method",
"args": [
"type": "arg",
"name": "length",
"value": "26",
"declaration": "$length = 26"
"docblock": {
"type": "docblock",
"description": "Generates a random string of characters a-z, all lowercase & returns them\n this is used for the PHP placeholders\n",
"attribute": [
"type": "attribute",
"name": "param",
"description": "int $length"
"type": "attribute",
"name": "return",
"description": "string"
"modifiers": [
"name": "getRandomAlpha",
"return_types": [
"body": "$characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';\n$charactersLength = strlen($characters);\n$randomString = '';\nfor ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {\n $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, $charactersLength - 1)];\n}\nreturn $randomString;",
"declaration": "static public function getRandomAlpha($length = 26): string"
"type": "method",
"args": [],
"docblock": {
"type": "docblock",
"description": "Tokenize the src code into a slightly better format than token_get_all\n",
"attribute": [
"type": "attribute",
"name": "return",
"description": "array of tokens"
"modifiers": [
"name": "tokens",
"return_types": [
"body": "$content = $this->src;\n$tokens = token_get_all($content);\n$niceTokens = [];\n$delLine = null;\nforeach ($tokens as $index=>$token){\n $tok = [];\n if (!is_array($token)){\n $lastTok = array_slice($niceTokens,-1)[0];\n $tok['type'] = \"UNNAMED_TOKEN\";\n $tok['code'] = $token;\n $tok['line'] = $lastTok['line'];\n } else {\n $tok['type'] = token_name($token[0]);\n $tok['code'] = $token[1];\n $tok['line'] = $token[2];\n }\n \/\/ This is old code for an idea I had\n \/\/ if ($tok['type']=='T_STRING'&&$tok['code']=='PHPPlus'){\n \/\/ $next = $tokens[$index+1];\n \/\/ if (is_array($next)&&$next[1]=='::'){\n \/\/ $delLine = $tok['line'];\n \/\/ echo 'del line is '.$delLine.\"\\n\\n\";\n \/\/ }\n \/\/ }\n $niceTokens[] = $tok;\n}\nforeach ($niceTokens as $index=>$token){\n if ($token['line']===$delLine){\n unset($niceTokens[$index]);\n }\n}\nreturn $niceTokens;",
"declaration": "protected function tokens(): array"