"type": "file",
"namespace": {
"type": "namespace",
"name": "Tlf",
"declaration": "namespace Tlf;",
"class": [
"type": "class",
"docblock": {
"type": "docblock",
"description": "A minimal class for handling sql migration. Create a migrations dir. Then create dirs like `v1`, `v2` & create files `up.sql`, `down.sql` in each versioned dir. Migrating from 1 to 2 will execute `v2\/up.sql`. From 3 down to 1 will execute `v2\/down.sql` and `v1\/down.sql`. You may also make files like `v1\/up-1.sql`, `v1\/up-2.sql` to execute multiple files in order.\n",
"attribute": [
"type": "attribute",
"name": "tagline",
"description": "Easy to use SQL Migrations from versioned directories"
"namespace": "Tlf",
"fqn": "Tlf\\LilMigrations",
"name": "LilMigrations",
"declaration": "class LilMigrations",
"properties": [
"type": "property",
"modifiers": [
"docblock": {
"type": "docblock",
"description": "a pdo instance"
"name": "pdo",
"declaration": "public \\PDO $pdo;"
"type": "property",
"modifiers": [
"docblock": {
"type": "docblock",
"description": "the dir for migrations scripts."
"name": "dir",
"declaration": "public string $dir;"
"methods": [
"type": "method",
"args": [
"type": "arg",
"arg_types": [
"name": "pdo",
"declaration": "\\PDO $pdo"
"type": "arg",
"arg_types": [
"name": "dir",
"declaration": "string $dir"
"docblock": {
"type": "docblock",
"description": "In $dir, there should be directories named 'v1', 'v2', 'v3', and so on.\nIn the v1\/v2\/v3 dirs, there should be up.sql & down.sql files with valid SQL statements for whatever database you're using\n",
"attribute": [
"type": "attribute",
"name": "param",
"description": "$pdo a pdo instance"
"type": "attribute",
"name": "param",
"description": "$dir a directory path"
"modifiers": [
"name": "__construct",
"body": "$this->pdo = $pdo;\n$this->dir = $dir;",
"declaration": "public function __construct(\\PDO $pdo, string $dir)"
"type": "method",
"args": [
"type": "arg",
"arg_types": [
"name": "dbName",
"value": "':memory:'",
"declaration": "string $dbName = ':memory:'"
"docblock": {
"type": "docblock",
"description": "Convenience method to initialize sqlite db in memory",
"attribute": [
"type": "attribute",
"name": "return",
"description": "Tlf\\LilDb"
"modifiers": [
"name": "sqlite",
"body": "$pdo = new \\PDO('sqlite:'.$dbName);\n$pdo->setAttribute(\\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \\PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);\n$ldb = new static($pdo);\nreturn $ldb;",
"declaration": "static public function sqlite(string $dbName = ':memory:')"
"type": "method",
"args": [
"type": "arg",
"arg_types": [
"name": "old",
"declaration": "int $old"
"type": "arg",
"arg_types": [
"name": "new",
"declaration": "int $new"
"docblock": {
"type": "docblock",
"description": "Migrate from old version to new\n",
"attribute": [
"type": "attribute",
"name": "param",
"description": "$old the current version of the database"
"type": "attribute",
"name": "param",
"description": "$new the new version of the database to go to"
"modifiers": [
"name": "migrate",
"body": "if ($old < $new){\n for ($i=$old+1; $i <= $new; $i++){\n $this->run_migration_version($i, 'up');\n }\n} else if ($old > $new) {\n for ($i=$old-1; $i >= $new; $i--){\n $this->run_migration_version($i, 'down');\n }\n} else {\n $this->run_migration_version($i, 'up');\n}",
"declaration": "public function migrate(int $old, int $new)"
"type": "method",
"args": [
"type": "arg",
"name": "version",
"declaration": "$version"
"type": "arg",
"name": "up_or_down",
"declaration": "$up_or_down"
"modifiers": [
"name": "run_migration_version",
"body": "$i = $version;\n$file = $up_or_down;\n$v_dir = \"v$i\/\";\n$migrate_dir = $this->dir.'\/'.$v_dir;\n$files = is_dir($migrate_dir) ? scandir($migrate_dir) : false;\nif ($files==false){\n echo \"\\nMigrations dir $v_dir does not exist. Continuing.\";\n return;\n}\n$files = array_filter($files,\n function($v) use ($file){\n if (substr($v,0,strlen($file))==$file)return true;\n return false;\n });\n\/\/@todo test the file sorting\n\/\/ \/\/ for testing\n\/\/ rsort($files);\n\/\/\n\/\/ $files = ['up-9.sql', 'up-2.sql', 'up-13.sql', 'up-0.sql', 'up.sql', 'up-1.sql'];\nusort($files,\n function($v1, $v2){\n $pos1 = strpos($v1,'-');\n if ($pos1==false)$index1 = -1;\n else $index1 = (int)substr($v1,$pos1+1,-4);\n $pos2 = strpos($v2,'-');\n if ($pos2==false)$index2 = -1;\n else $index2 = (int)substr($v2,$pos2+1,-4);\n return $index1-$index2;\n }\n);\nforeach ($files as $f){\n $rel = $v_dir.$f;\n $exec_file = $this->dir.'\/'.$rel;\n $exec_file = $this->dir.'\/'.$rel;\n if (!file_exists($exec_file)){\n echo \"\\nFile '$rel' was not found for migrations.\";\n continue;\n }\n echo \"\\nExecute '$rel'\";\n $sql = file_get_contents($exec_file);\n $this->pdo->exec($sql);\n if ($this->pdo->errorCode()!='00000'){\n echo \"\\nSQL Error in '$rel':\\n\";\n print_r($this->pdo->errorInfo());\n return;\n }\n}",
"declaration": "public function run_migration_version($version, $up_or_down)"