Dev Status
Feb 28, 2022
- Added VERY simple caching of md files as html. Did not modify tests at all
Dec 15, 2021
- DONE base url for routes
- TODO conflict-resolution for index page
Dec 10, 2021 end of day
- Majorly simplifying, removing dependence on CM addon (just directly on commonmark)
- See
, where I have written two pseudo tests & 4 placeholder tests - Just work on the tests one at a time ... get all the core functionality working, then write the liaison integration in simple of a form as you can.
- The commonmark addon should undergo similar treatment (simplification & tests)
- review version constraints for commonmark ... be as non-specific as I can, to prevent conflicts between various lia addons that use commonmark
Dec 10, 2021
- DONE CommonMark addon is working.
- TODO review & update blog tests
- review & update the src classes as well
- TODO add server-integration tests
- TODO review test-structure & consider a cleaner format
Dec 9, 2021
- The test setup is good to go ... but the transition is a long walk.
- Right now, I'm failing to find the blog view on the index page. The Blog addon hasn't been converted to the new liaison. So I need to setup a server-test for the blog addon & get it working with the new liaison, THEN make changes to to accommodate.
- Package\Server is weird ... Setting the dir is awful. I think it needs to accept a directory as one of the constructor paramaters.
- Why is the blog addon a package class? Should it be a package class?
- I think maybe set it up via
\Lia\Package\Server($lia,'blog', $dir)
... provide a static function to do that more easily
- I think maybe set it up via
- then there are other addons that need worked on too.
- v0.1: liaison v0.3 ...
- v0.2: liaison v0.5, scrawl v0.6, test v0.3, seo-extractor v0.2, liaison.commonmark v0.3
old notes (Nov 4, 2021)
I am stuck on the code highlight renderer.
I got stuck on this before & my solve was to copy+paste the code from spatie's docs.
The flow of the markdown converter liaision app is making it difficult to also highlight code blocks or really understand what is happening.
I need to just, calmly look this all over. MAYBE not rely upon the commonmark liaison addon ... but then mdblog loses features that might otherwise be made available to it, so idk if I like that.