#!/usr/bin/env php
* This cli is used to setup bin scripts
* @usage vendor/bin/tlf-cli help
* @usage vendor/bin/tlf-cli setup
$own_autloader = dirname(__DIR__).'/vendor/autoload.php';
$their_autoloader = dirname(__DIR__, 3).'/autoload.php'; // presuming vendor/taeluf/cli/bin
//$pwd_autoloader = getcwd().'/vendor/autoload.php';
//if (file_exists($pwd_autoloader))require_once($pwd_autoloader); else
if (file_exists($their_autoloader))require_once($their_autoloader);
else if (file_exists($own_autloader))require_once($own_autloader);
else {
echo "\nautoload file not found.\n";
$cli = new \Tlf\Cli();
// load_json_file fails silently if the file does not exist
function($cli, $args){
}, 'Show this help menu'
function($cli, $args){
$script_name = $cli->prompt("Enter script name");
$file = getcwd().'/bin/'.$script_name;
$write_file = false;
if (file_exists($file)){
$write_file = $cli->ask("Overwrite existing file");
} else {
$write_file = $cli->ask("Create script '$file'");
if ($write_file)file_put_contents($file, file_get_contents(__FILE__));
else return;
if ($cli->ask("Make file executable")){
$current_permissions = fileperms($file);
$new_permissions = $current_permissions | 0b001001001;
chmod($file, $new_permissions);
//echo "File permissions are now"
}, "Initialize a bin script with Tlf\Cli already setup"