File code/Cli.php
class Tlf\Cli
See source code at /code/Cli.php
public bool $main_on_command_not_found = false;
Set true to run main instead of showing an error when the first arg is not a valid command. -
public array $exclude_from_help = [];
array<int index, string command_name> Array of commands to exclude from the help menu -
public $pwd;
The current working directory -
public $command_map = [];
map of command name to callable -
public $help_map = [];
command_name=>help_msg -
public $command = 'main';
The command being executed -
public $args = [];
The args to pass to your command's callable (key=>value array) -
public $name;
The name of the command used to execute this (not path) -
public string $log_dir;
Directory to write log files to. -
public $argv;
public function __construct($pwd = null, $argv null)
public function log(string $message, string $log_file = 'tlf-main')
Log $message to disk with a date & timestamp. You must set$cli->log_dir
to a valid directory. -
public function load_stdin($stdin=null)
load standard inputs from cli -
public function parse_args($stdin_args, $args=[])
public function load_command(string $command, $callable, string $help_msg='')
public function load_json_file(string $file)
Load a json settings file, if it exists. Fails silently if it does not exist. -
public function load_inputs($args)
public function call_command(string $command, array $args=[])
Execute a command by name -
public function execute()
Run the cli based on loaded inputs -
public function help_menu($cli, $args)
public function ask(string $msg, $success_func=null,...$args)
Prompt user for y/no answer. Lowercase 'y' is yes. All other answers are no. -
public function prompt(string $msg)
Prompt user for string input -
public function print_table(array $rows)
Print an array as a table, just like mysql cli does. all values will be printed. column width will be fixed to the maximum length