
array (
  'Example.Translator' => 
  array (
    'key' => 'Example.Translator',
    'exportline' => '@export_end(Example.Translator)',
    'comment' => 'function translateGreeting($language){
    switch ($language){
        case "spanish":return "Hola";
        case "german": return "Hallo";
        case "english": return "Hello";
        case "french": return "Bonjour";
        default: return null;
  'Example.TranslatorTester' => 
  array (
    'key' => 'Example.TranslatorTester',
    'exportline' => '@export_end(Example.TranslatorTester)',
    'comment' => 'class TranslatorTester extends \\Taeluf\\Tester{

    //every function that starts with `test` will be run as a test
    public function testTranslateSpanish(){
        $actual = translateGreeting(\'spanish\');
        $target = "Hola";
        echo "Target:{$target}\\nActual:{$actual}";
        if ($target==$actual)return true;
    public function prepare(){
        //this code runs BEFORE any of your test code
    //You can declare other functions that DON\'T start with `test` if you need helper functions.
//TranslatorTester::runAll() // just print the results
//TranslatorTester::run([\'testTranslateSpanish\']) // run every test method given in that array
// (new TranslatorTester())->run(); //runs all this way, or pass an array of methods to only run those tests
TranslatorTester::xdotoolRefreshFirefox(); // If you have xdotool installed, this will switch to Firefox & refresh focused webpage.',
  'Example.TranslatorOutput' => 
  array (
    'key' => 'Example.TranslatorOutput',
    'exportline' => '@export_end(Example.TranslatorOutput)',
    'comment' => '<details>
    <summary><b>TranslateSpanish:</b> <span style="color:green;">success</span>    </summary>
    <div style=\'padding-left:4ch;white-space:pre;\'>
  'Extra.RefreshBrowserTab' => 
  array (
    'key' => 'Extra.RefreshBrowserTab',
    'exportline' => '@export(Extra.RefreshBrowserTab)',
    'comment' => 'Call `Taeluf\\Tester::xdotoolRefreshFirefox($switchBackToCurrWindow = false)` to refresh your browser tab.
If you\'re writing you\'re using `runAllToFile($file)`, this could come in handy.',
  'Example.ModifyOutput' => 
  array (
    'key' => 'Example.ModifyOutput',
    'exportline' => '@export_end(Example.ModifyOutput)',
    'comment' => 'public function showResult($details){
    $successStatement = $details->result ? \'<span style="color:green;">success</span>\' : \'<span style="color:red;">fail</span>\';
    if ($details->error!=null)$successStatement = \'<strong style="color:blue;">error</strong>\';
    echo "<details>\\n    <summary><b>".$details->method.":</b> ".$successStatement."    </summary>\\n";
        echo "    <div style=\'padding-left:4ch;white-space:pre;\'>\\n";
            $detailsOutput = htmlentities($details->output);
            $detailsLines = explode("\\n",$detailsOutput);
            $detailsLines = array_map(function($value){return \'        \'.$value;},$detailsLines);
            echo implode("\\n",$detailsLines);
            // var_dump($detailsLines);
        echo "\\n    </div>";
        if ($details->error!=null){
            echo "\\n    <br>\\n";
            echo "    <div style=\'color:red;padding-left:4ch;white-space:pre;\'>\\n";
                $errorOutput = $details->error;
                $errorLines = explode("\\n",$errorOutput);
                $errorLines = array_map(function($value){return \'        \'.$value;},$errorLines);
                echo implode("\\n",$errorLines);
            echo "\\n    </div>";
    echo "\\n</details>\\n";