pHtml Status


  • Add a TextNode class, then add create a base class that both TextNode & my DOMNode extend from with some common functionality

Latest accomplishments

  • __get($propName) now calls getPropName() if the method exists on Phtml\Node & add getInnerText().
  • insertCodeBefore & insertCodeAfter
  • $node->innerHtml is case insensitive
  • Php code can be added to a tag declartion, without causing attribute mumbo jumbo problems.


  • I DONT like this idea very much. Inside <head> use a <randid> node instead of phprandidphp... As one way to allow php inside the <head>.
    1. Do current "replace all php with randids" thing.
    2. Do current <head> for <tlf-head> replacement
    3. In DOMDocument land, find the phprandidphp TEXT Node & replace it with an actual node (since <head> doesn't support text nodes)
    4. convert <tlf-head> back to <head>
  • I don't think its worth the effort, since my current approach... works... Stop using a <root> node. Use an xml type OR... smartly "know" whether the source html was full proper html or not. if not, then just put it to the <body> and get from the <body>...

Documentation needed

DomNode custom Properties

  • children
  • hideOwnTag
  • $node->attributeName (uses magic __get)
  • @todo phtml as alias for ownerDocument
  • ...

DomNode custom methods

  • addHiddenInput -__toString

DomDocument custom methods

  • adPhpToTag($node, $php)
  • xpath
  • phpPlaceholder
  • setDynamicAttribute($code)
  • insertCodeBefore($node, $code);
  • insertCodeAfter($node, $code);

DomNode builtin properties

  • ownerDocument
  • tagName

DomNode builtin methods

  • hasAttribute, getAttribute, setAttribute

DomDocument builtin methods


  • My test coverage is not very good.
  • all foreach ($node->childNodes) should be replaced with foreach($node->children) (probably)
  • Extensible property-getter system, so I don't have to keep using if/else statements inside __get.
  • Compiler is not used & should be removed. (or is it PHPParser to remove?)
  • Branch naming (make a v0.1)
  • change to pHtml from PHTML class name
  • when innerHtml/innerText is used improperly, throw exception & inform correct property capitalizatin to use.