File code/Compiler.php

class Taeluf\PHTML\Compiler



  • protected $code = []; An array of code to output.
    Likely contains placeholder which will be replaced.
    May contain objects which implement __toString
  • protected $src; The content of a PHP file for compilation
  • protected $placeholder = []; An array of placeholder code with codeId => [prependedCode, code, appendedCode]... there can be any number of entries for each codeId
    Code may be string or an object which implements __toString
    codeIds are either sha sums (alpha-numeric, i think) or randmoized alpha
  • protected $htmlSource; The parsed source code, with the PHP code replaced by placeholders


  • public function __construct()

  • public function cleanSource($srcCode): string Replaces inline PHP code with placeholder, indexes the placeholder, and returns the modified code

  • public function placeholderFor($phpCodeWithOpenCloseTags): string 1. Generates an id

  1. indexes the passed-in-code with that id
  2. Returns the id.
  • public function appendCode($code) Appends code to the output-to-be

  • public function prependCode($code) Prepends code to the output-to-be

  • public function placeholderPrepend($placeholder,$code) Prepend code immediately prior to the given placeholder

  • public function placeholderAppend($placeholder,$code) Append code immediately after the given placeholder

  • public function output(): string Compile the code into a string & return it.
    output() can be called several times as it does NOT affect the state of the compiler.

  • public function writeTo(string $file, $chmodTo=null): bool Writes the compiled output to the given file

  • public function fileForCode($compileDir,$code): string Get an absolute file path which can be included to execute the given code

  1. $codeId = sha1($code)
  2. file_put_contents("$compileDir/$codeId.php", $code)
  3. return the path of the new file
  • Will create the directory (non-recursive) if not exists

  • protected function freshId($length = 26): string Generate a random string of lowercase letters

  • public function codeForId(string $codeId,bool $asArray=false) Get the code for the given code id.

Placeholder code is stored as an array to enable the placeholderPrepend|Append functions, so I make it available as an array if you want.