File code/Node.php
class Taeluf\PHTML\Node
less sucky HTML DOM Element
This class extends PHP's DOMElement to make it suck less
The original version of this file was a pre-made script by the author below.
The only meaningful pieces of code I kept are the two if 'innerHTML'
blocks of code.
No license information was available in the copied code and I don't remember what it said on the author's website.
The original package had the following notes from the author:
- Authored by: Keyvan Minoukadeh - -
- See: (the project this was written for)
public function __construct()
public function is(string $tagName): bool
is this node the given tag -
public function has(string $attribute): bool
public function attributes()
get an array of DOMAttrs on this node -
public function attributesAsArray()
return an array of attributes ['attributeName'=>'value', ...]; -
public function __set($name, $value)
Used for setting innerHTML like it's done in JavaScript:
$div->innerHTML = 'Chapter 2
The story begins...
@endcode -
public function __unset($name)
if the node has the named attribute, it will be removed. Otherwise, nothing happens -
public function __isset($name)
public function __get($name)
Used for getting innerHTML like it's done in JavaScript:
$string = $div->innerHTML;
@endcode -
public function __toString()
public function xpath($xpath)
public function addHiddenInput($inputName, $value)
Adds a hidden input to a form node
If a hidden input already exists with that name, do nothing
If a hidden input does not exist with that name, create and append it -
public function boolAttribute($attributeName)
Find out if this node has a true value for the given attribute name.
Literally just returns $this->hasAttribute($attributeName)
I wanted to implement an attribute="false" option... but that goes against the standards of HTML5, so that idea is on hold.
public function getInnerText()
public function __call($method, $args)