File code/PHPParser.php

class Taeluf\PHTML\PHPParser

Parses .php files into:

  1. A string with placeholders for the PHP code
  2. An array of PHP code, identified by their placeholders



  • protected string $src; The source HTML + PHP code

  • protected object $pieces; The parsed pieces of code in the format:
    'html' => '

    A string of code with php placeholders like phpadsfwefhaksldfjaskdlfjaskldfjasldfkphp
    and trailing text...',
    'php' => [
    'phpadsfwefhaksldfjaskdlfjaskldfjasldfkphp' => '',
    The array is simply (object) cast


  • public function __construct(string $htmlPHPString) Create a new PHP parser instance from a string

  • public function pieces(): object Return the parsed pieces. See doc for protected $pieces

  • protected function separatePHP(): object Separate the source code into it's pieces. See the protected $pieces docs

  • protected function randomAlpha($length = 26): string Generates a random string of characters a-z, all lowercase & returns them
    this is used for the PHP placeholders

  • static public function getRandomAlpha($length = 26): string Generates a random string of characters a-z, all lowercase & returns them
    this is used for the PHP placeholders

  • protected function tokens(): array Tokenize the src code into a slightly better format than token_get_all