File code/PHTML.php

class Taeluf\PHTML

Makes DUMDocument... less terrible, but still not truly good



  • protected string $src; The source HTML + PHP code

  • protected string $cleanSrc; The source code with all the PHP replaced by placeholders

  • protected array $php; [ 'phpplaceholder' => $phpCode, 'placeholder2' => $morePHP ]

  • protected $phpAttrValue; A random string used when adding php code to a node's tag declaration. This string is later removed during output()


  • public function __construct($html) Create a DOMDocument, passing your HTML + PHP to __construct.

  • public function placeholder(string $string): string get a string placeholder for a block of code. This placeholder, if inserted into the doc, will be replace by the original code on render

  • public function codeFromPlaceholder(string $placeholder): string Get the code that's represented by the placeholder

  • public function phpPlaceholder(string $enclosedPHP): string Get a placeholder for the given block of code
    Intention is to parse a single '' and not ''
    When used as intended, will return a single 'word' that is the placeholder for the given code

  • public function fillWithPHP(string $codeWithPlaceholders): string Decode the given code by replacing PHP placeholders with the PHP code itself

  • public function __toString() See output()

  • public function output($withPHP=true) Return the decoded document as as tring. All PHP will be back in its place

  • public function hide_own_tag($htn)

  • public function fill_php($html, $withPHP=true)

  • public function xpath($xpath,$refNode=null) get the results of an xpath query as array

  • public function addPhpToTag($node, $phpCode) Set an attribute that will place PHP code inside the tag declartion of a node.
    Basically: <node phpCodePlaceholder>, which pHtml will later convert to <node <?='some_stuff'?>>.
    This avoids problems caused by attributes requiring a ="", which DOMDocument automatically places.

  • public function insertCodeBefore(\DOMNode $node, $phpCode)

  • public function insertCodeAfter(\DOMNode $node, $phpCode)

  • public function cleanHTML($html)

  • public function restoreHtml($html)

  • public function __get($param)

  • public function replaceNode(\DOMNode $node, string $with_str) Replace a node