Taeluf | Indie Developer
My real name is Reed, and I'm an open-source software developer and community activist. And a human person, probably.
This site is for my open source projects and code-related articles / blogs I write.
"Taeluf" is derived from the etymology of "Teach" and "Love" in Old English (taehte & lufu) & just smashin 'em together.
Quick Links
- tluf.me: My personal URL shortener with links to things I care about sharing
- twitter.com/TaelufDev: twitter, duh
- Liaison: PHP Framework that I'm really proud of even though it's kinda sketchy
- Liaison apps: Apps for Liaison that make my immature framework seem pretty cool, like my common-mark extension, seo extractor to set meta info, and my kitchen sink app for building out base styles on your site.
- PHP Libraries: Various PHP libraries I've written. I'm especially proud of LilDb, pHtml, and RDB (redbean wrapper). Check em OUT