Development Status

June 2, 2023

Add php integration documentation to the readme. added code scrawl dev dependency & changed scrawl configration to NOT scan test/ dir.

Nov 13, 2022

  • Updates: Create Dropdown.js, setup test/server/ for easier testing using Liaison php webserver
  • TODO: style & polish Dropdown, update autowire.fetch() to work with GET requests. GET requests cannot have a body.
  • Info: test/server is a liaison server. test/server/apps/autowire/ contains specific feature testing. in public/index.php is the dropdown test. It uses public/@POST.getlist.php to populate a dropdown list.


  • finish kanban test
  • add html binding

v0.1-candidate Next

  • Use Code Scrawl to output the Kanban test into documentation
  • Organize the unsorted documentation
  • Clean up the README
  • Move to v0.1 branch
  • Move html binding notes into its own file
  • release


  • Release v0.1
  • Prepare a v0.2 release with breaking changes, but no major overhaul to the codebase.

v0.2 Next

  • Automate kanban test with Jasmine
  • Generate documentation with Code Scrawl via the Lexer's Grammar (rather than custom written docs as I currently have)
  • Add a composer.json for php installation (probably, since I use php dev tools for it)
  • Improve javadocs. Add @returns and just better explanations
  • Write a flow documentation that explains the basic process for how everything works

code changes

  • Review names of functions & consider changing them / cleaning them up.
  • Rename use and expose to something more intuitive
  • Add additional getAny('ClassName') methods:
    • Add parent('ClassName') get an object by walking UP the DOM tree and checking each node for an attached object.
    • child('ClassName') call getAny() with this as a reference node
    • Add sibling('ClassName', 'ParentClassName') which will first call parent('ParentClassName') then call child('ClassName') on the parent.
  • Review functions & make sure all that SHOULD be static actually are & visa versa
  • Reorganize the class, so the separate categories of functionality are separated
  • Add a convenience method to attach a class to each of a list of querySelected nodes:
        for (const n of'div')){
            new KanbanColumn(n, this);

v0.3 Next

  • (maybe) Make a new use() function that works like php's trait's feature.

Html Binding

Make it so ondblclick=this.askToClose() calls instanceOfModal.askToClose()

    class Modal {
            if (confirm("Close Modal?")){
   = 'none';
<div class="Modal" ondblclick="this.askToClose">


  1. Loop over all attributes of that <div>.
  2. For each attribute that starts with on, check for node[theonmethod]
  3. if its available & is a function, then node[theonmethod].bind(theModalInstance)
  4. When the natural dblclick event is called on the <div> it will call theModalInstance.askToClose


I definitely want to add a Modal class that is a subclass of autowire. However, I don't want to do it now. This is a sample template of a modal, but this is incomplete.

<template class="Modal Column">
            Column Name<br>
            <input name="name" type="text" placeholder="Column Name" />
        <button onclick="this.cancel">Cancel</button>
        <button onclick="this.complete">Submit</button>

The Challenge

There are two major approaches to the modal: Provide bells & whistles (css, buttons, a11c), or just provide a js backend with some api of stuff to hook into (onclick="this.close" or this.complete, etc). I want to provide a bells & whistles approach so that its actually easy to use. But I also want to provide the minimalist js backend (with no frontend) and not make any decisions for the user. But, since its just css, javascript, and html ... maybe I can figure it out.

Also, how the heck to web components work? Can I make a node <Aw-Modal> & then use that in my template? So my modal template would look like:

        <Aw-Input name="whatever" type="whatever"></Aw-Input>

This would all expand into something like:

<template class="Modal Column">
            Column Name<br>
            <input name="name" type="text" placeholder="Column Name" />
        <button onclick="this.cancel">Cancel</button>
        <button onclick="this.complete">Submit</button>

I think the components thing is worth looking into, but only worth implementing if there is browser support. If I have to manually do a bunch of attribute copying or something ... I don't think its worth it.