Git Bent

Git version control with guided prompts and intuitive commands

Status: Awaiting updates

I'm working on some new internals, which could potentially cause some breaking changes. I don't think it will, but idk. The branches with this work are v0.1_auto-help and v0.1_auto-prompt. Idk when I'll do the updates. v0.1_vimprompt is a minor feature that shouldn't affect anything at-large.

This branch is intended to be the new version I'm working on that would integrate these changes.

Getting Started

1. Install

We download the repo & add it to our PATH through terminal:

  1. git clone ~/.gitbent/repo
  2. echo 'export PATH="~/.gitbent/repo/:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
  3. source ~/.bashrc <- You may need to add this line in ~/.bash_profile
  4. bent should be working now


[bent] Help menu run by calling bent in the terminal
[bent help] Help menu run by calling bent help in the terminal



This project is actively developed. Please open issues & pull requests as you see fit.

If you're brand new to bash or to open source contributing:

  • open an issue, tell me what you want to do and what you need help with, and I'll guide you.

Alternatives / Competition

We make no guarantees regarding software listed here.

Why use Git Bent over competition?

  • You like CLI
  • You're a "TLDR" person (I know I am)

Why NOT use Git Bent?

  • You have very specific git needs
  • You don't like that our save function does add -A every time
  • You love GUIs and hate CLI and hate being happy