namespace Tlf\Lexer;
class Grammar {
protected $blankCount = 0;
* the lexer currently running
protected \Tlf\Lexer $lexer;
public function lexer_started($lexer, $ast, $token){
$this->lexer = $lexer;
public function setLexer($lexer){
$this->lexer = $lexer;
* Get a namespace prefix to use for specifying what directive to target
* @return the class name, but lowercase, no namespace
* @override
public function getNamespace(){
$class = get_class($this);
$parts = explode('\\',$class);
$class = array_pop($parts);
return strtolower($class);
* Get the class to use for any new ASTs where the directive does not specify.
* @return a string class name.
* @override to change from `\Tlf\Lexer\Ast`
public function getAstClass(): string {
$astClass = \Tlf\Lexer\Ast::class;
return $astClass;
* Get an array of directives from the list of directive names
* @return a key=>value array of directives.
public function getDirectives($directiveName, array $overrides=[]){
if ($directiveName[0]!=':'){
$parts = explode(':',$directiveName);
if (count($parts)!=2){
throw new \Exception("Directive '$directiveName' must contain one colon like `grammar:directive`. leave grammar blank for current grammar.");
$grammar = $this->lexer->getGrammar($parts[0]);
$directiveName = ':'.$parts[1];
if ($grammar!==$this){
return $grammar->getDirectives($directiveName);
// echo "\n\n---\n";
// var_dump($directiveName);
// var_dump($overrides);
// echo "\n\n";
// exit;
if (substr($directiveName,0,1)!==':'){
echo "\n\n'$directiveName' needs to start with a colon...\n\n";
throw new \Exception("So fix it...");
$overrides = $this->normalizeDirective($overrides);
$directiveName = substr($directiveName, 1);
$sourceDirective = $this->directives[$directiveName] ?? $this->getDotDirective($directiveName) ?? null;
if ($sourceDirective===null){
if (substr($directiveName,0,6)=='_blank'){
$sourceDirective = [];
if (strlen($directiveName)==6){
$directiveName = $directiveName .'-'.$this->blankCount++;
} else if ($directiveName[0]=='+'){
$sourceDirective = [];
$directiveName = $directiveName .'-'.$this->blankCount++;
if ($sourceDirective===null){
throw new \Exception("Directive '$directiveName' not available on '".get_class($this)."'");
$sourceDirective = $this->normalizeDirective($sourceDirective);
$overriddenDirective = $this->getOverriddenDirective($overrides, $sourceDirective);
$overriddenDirective->_name = $directiveName;
$overriddenDirective->_grammar = $this;
if (!isset($overriddenDirective->is))return [$directiveName=>$overriddenDirective];
return $this->expandDirectiveWithIs($overriddenDirective, (array)$overrides);
* Get multiple directives this one is pointing to.
* @roadmap(current) Version 1: Load all the targets as source directives, then process overrides with $directive as the overrides
* @roadmap(next) Version 2: Load all the targets as source directives, using their own array values as overrides over the source, then process that as the source and $directive as the override
* @roadmap(future, maybe) Version 3: The parent directive (who defines the 'is')... It's key/values are treated as overrides. The 'is' targets are loaded as source directives, and the parent key=>values (except 'is') are applied as the overrides to make a new source directive. Then the 'is' targets own array values are aplied as the overrides to make another new source directive. Then $directive is applied on each to make ANOTHER new source directive. These ones are returned.
public function expandDirectiveWithIs(object $directive, $overridesDirective = []){
$isDirectiveName = $directive->_name;
$d = $directive;
$maxCount = 1;
if (isset($directive->_name))$maxCount++;
if (isset($directive->_grammar))$maxCount++;
$out = [];
// if (count((array)$d)>$maxCount){
// // print_r($d->stop);
// // print_r($overridesDirective);
// throw new \Exception("'$isDirectiveName' cannot be processed because it has instructions other than 'is'");
// }
foreach ($d->is as $key=>$override){
if (count($override)>0){
throw new \Exception("We don't yet process overrides on 'is' entries.");
$subDirectives = $this->getDirectives($key, (array)$overridesDirective);
foreach ($subDirectives as $directiveToAdd){
$out[$directiveToAdd->_name] = $directiveToAdd;
return $out;
* - Inheritance rules:
* - if raw `match` directive is first in src directive, then add it first
* - then add instructions from the child directive, in declared order
* - then add all other instructions from the source directive, in their declared order.
* - If child directive contains any keys found in source directive, then do not copy the value from the source directive. The child simply overwrites (but in the child's declared order)
* @param $newDirective The new directive / overrides, but not yet filled by the source
* @param $sourceDirective the original directive
public function getOverriddenDirective(object $overridesDirective, object $sourceDirective){
// $source = (array)$sourceDirective;
$newDirective = [];
foreach ($sourceDirective as $isn=>$instructionList){
$firstInstruction = array_slice($sourceDirective->$isn,0,1);
if (isset($firstInstruction['match'])
$newDirective[$isn]['match'] = $firstInstruction['match'];
foreach ($overridesDirective as $isn=>$instructionList){
if ($isn[0]=='_')continue;
if (!isset($newDirective[$isn]))$newDirective[$isn] = [];
$newDirective[$isn] = $newDirective[$isn] + $instructionList;
foreach ($sourceDirective as $isn=>$instructionList){
foreach ($instructionList as $instruction=>$value){
if (!isset($newDirective[$isn][$instruction]))$newDirective[$isn][$instruction] = $value;
return (object)$newDirective;
* - Arrayify instructions that need to be arrayified.
* - Convert bool value-keys like 'buffer.clear' to 'buffer.clear'=>true
public function normalizeDirective($d){
if (!is_object($d))$d = (object)$d;
$instructionSetNames = ['start', 'match', 'stop'];
$arrayify = [
foreach ($instructionSetNames as $isn){
if (!isset($d->$isn))continue;
$in = $d->$isn;
$out = [];
if (!is_array($in))$in = ['match'=>$in];
foreach ($in as $key=>$value){
if (is_int($key)){
if (substr($value,0,5)=='then '){
$out[$value] = [];
} else {
$out[$value] = true;
// convert values to array
if (in_array($key, $arrayify)&&!is_array($value)){
$out[$key] = [$value];
$out[$key] = $value;
$d->$isn = $out;
$alternateSetAutoValues = [
foreach ($alternateSetAutoValues as $setName=>$autoValue){
if (!isset($d->$setName))continue;
foreach ($d->$setName as $key=>$value){
if (is_int($key)){
$newKey = $value;
$newValue = $autoValue;
} else {
$newKey = $key;
$newValue = $value;
$d->$setName[$newKey] = $newValue;
return $d;
* Get a directive that has a dot-form like `:string.stop` to get a new directive who's `start` is `:string`'s `stop`
* @return a single directive
protected function getDotDirective($key){
$parts = explode('.',$key);
if (count($parts)<=1)return null;
if (count($parts)>2){
throw new \Exception("We haven't implementented nested directive names, so '$key' won't work yet.");
$directiveName = $parts[0];
$target = $parts[1];
$directive = $this->directives[$parts[0]] ?? null;
if ($target=='stop'){
$newDirective = [
return $newDirective;
throw new \Exception("We don't have special handling for '$target' yet. Caused by directive '$directiveName'");
* Called before any characters are added to the token
* @usage Set placeholder values
* @param Tlf\Lexer $lexer the lexer
* @param Tlf\Lexer\Ast $ast The root ast. Usually a 'file' type ast with 'ext', 'name', and 'path' set
* @param Tlf\Lexer\Token $token a token with an empty buffer
* @export(DocBlock.onLexerStart)
public function onLexerStart(\Tlf\Lexer $lexer,\Tlf\Lexer\Ast $ast,\Tlf\Lexer\Token $token){
public function onLexerEnd(\Tlf\Lexer $lexer,\Tlf\Lexer\Ast $ast, ?\Tlf\Lexer\Token $token){
public function onGrammarAdded(\Tlf\Lexer $lexer){