Cli command parsing


  • call $this->execCommand()
    • If there is no namespace
  • call $grammars[namespace]->$command()
    • if there is a namespace
  • call $targets[$namespace]->$command()
    • if there is a namespace

Args options:

  • command is an argument (only for execCommand / no namespace)
  • $phpArg is false (do not run the command)
  • $phpArg is true (run the command)
  • $phpArg is a single argument appended to cli arguments (anything but false)
  • $phpArg is an array of arguments. Give ... as the last cli argument
  • TODO $phpArg is an array of commands to run. Give [] as the last cli argument. command is prepended to each entry in the $phpArg array
  • TODO $phpArg is an executable object+method+args. Pass ! as the last cli argument, then use _object:method arg1 arg2 like _lexer:previous docblock

So basically, we parse the namespace:command which gets us an object + method & MAY start an arg list. Then we parse the cli command args & add them to the list. 1: Create an args list from the cli args + php args 2: Get the object + method & modify args list as needed 3: Call object + method with the final args list

Command Expansion

Add command ..., command [], and command // abc dogs and cats features

  • default: command abc=>[1,2,3] is same as command abc [1,2,3]. (though arrays aren't allowed in the command shorthands. The array is a single argument)
  • ...: command abc ...=>['d','e','f'] is same as command abc d e f
  • []: command abc []=>['a'=>true, 'b'=>'dog'] is same as command abc a true and command abc b dog
    • command abc []=>['a','b'] is same as command abc a and command abc b
  • //: command abc // cats is same as command abc. The // lets you write multiple matches, for example.
  • !: command def ! => '_lexer:previous docblock' will call command def $lexer->previous('docblock'), essentially

Directive Overrides

I don't know if this is accurate, but I think it is & once verified, these notes can be used for documentation.

  • Inheritance rules:
    • if raw match directive is first in src directive, then add it first
    • then add instructions from the child directive, in declared order
    • then add all other instructions from the source directive, in their declared order.
      • If child directive contains any keys found in source directive, then do not copy the value from the source directive. The child simply overwrites (but in the child's declared order)