namespace Tlf\Lexer\Test\Main;
* Test features of the grammar class, not lexing, and not any language-specific grammars
class Grammar extends \Tlf\Tester {
protected $grammar;
public function prepare(){
$this->grammar = new \Tlf\Lexer\Grammar();
* @test `$grammar->getDirectives($name, $overrides)`
public function testGetDirectives(){
$grammar = new \Tlf\Lexer\Grammar();
$grammar->directives = $this->getSourceDirectives();
foreach ($this->getDirectivesToLookup() as $testName=>$pieces){
if ($testName!='Is Directive'){
//@todo REMOVE THIS continue
$lookupName = $pieces[0];
$overrides = $pieces[1];
$expectedList = $pieces[2];
$actualList = $grammar->getDirectives($lookupName, $overrides);
foreach ($actualList as $name=>$d){
$actualList[$name] = (array)$d;
$this->compare($expectedList, $actualList);
* Test grammar->normalizeDirective();
* @test directive `:bear` normalizes to `:bear => []`
* @test `:bear ...` normalizes to to `:bear => []`
* @test `:dog=>['override']` is unchanged by normalization
* Rules:
* @rule `"cmd var"` normalizes to `":cmd var" => []`
* @rule `"cmd var" => []` does not change
public function testDirectiveNormalization(){
foreach ($this->getNormalizeDirectives() as $name=>$comparators){
$directive = $comparators[0];
$expect = $comparators[1];
$normal = $this->grammar->normalizeDirective($directive);
$this->compare($expect, (array)$normal);
* Test that an `is` directive expands into an array of the directives it names
* @test `is => [ ":target1", ":target2", ":target3" ]` expands into `[ $target1, $target2, $target3 ]` where `$target1` is a directive, possibly containing starts & stops
public function testExpandIsDirective(){
$grammar = new \Tlf\Lexer\Grammar();
$dRoot = $grammar->directives = $this->getSourceDirectives();
$sourceDirective = (object)$grammar->directives['is_directive'];
$sourceDirective->_name = 'is_directive';
$sourceDirective->_grammar = 'grammar';
$directiveList = $grammar->expandDirectiveWithIs($sourceDirective);
foreach ($directiveList as $directiveName=>$directive){
$directiveList[$directiveName] = (array)$directive;
* Rules:
* @rule source + override = override, source
* @rule source[key] + override[key] = override[key]
* @rule source[key //] + override[key] = override[key], source[key //]
* @test `:source=>[]` overridden by `:override=>[]` yields `:override=>[], :source=>[]`
* @test that `then :cat, match uhoh` overridden by `match // => abc, hide` yields `match //=>abc, hide, then :cat, match uhoh`
* @test `then :cat` overridden by `hide nothing, match abc` yields `hide nothing, match abc, then :cat`
* @test `match abc, then :cat` overriden by `hide nothing` yields `match, hide, then` (match goes first)
* @test `match abc, then cats` overridden by `match dog, rewind 1` yields `match dog, rewind 1, then cats`
public function testDirectiveOverrides(){
foreach ($this->getOverrideDirectives() as $testName=>$pieces){
$source = (object)$pieces[0];
$overrides = (object)$pieces[1];
$expect = $pieces[2];
$actual = $this->grammar->getOverriddenDirective($overrides, $source);
$this->compare($expect, (array)$actual,true);
* @return multi dimensional array
* @array.key is the thing being tested
* @array.child is an array with 3 child arrays
* @array.child.index1 is the name of the directive to load
* @array.child.index2 is the the overrides
* @array.child.index3 is the expected directive list to be returned
public function getDirectivesToLookup(){
return [
'Empty Directive'=>[
'Is Directive'=>[
public function getSourceDirectives(){
return [
* @return multi dimensional array
* @array.key is the thing being tested
* @array.child is an array with 3 child arrays
* @array.child.index1 is the source/root directive
* @array.child.index2 is the overrides
* @array.child.index3 is the expected result
public function getOverrideDirectives(){
return [
'Is overrides'=>[
'Source match is second'=>[
'match //'=>['abc'],
'match //'=>['abc'],
'Source nomatch' => [
'Source match, then overrides, then other source instructions'=>[
'Direct Key Overrides'=>[
'match'=> ['abc'],
'then'=> ['cats'],
'match'=> ['dog'],
* Get directives as they would be defined & those same directives as they would be after normaliztion
* @test
* @return multi dimensional array
* @child.index1 is the input directive, as one would define it
* @child.index2 is the expected output directive, as returned from the normalize method
public function getNormalizeDirectives(){
return [
'then :cat',
'then :dog'=>['override'],
'then :bear ...',
'then :cat'=>[],
'then :dog'=>['override'],
'then :bear ...'=>[],
///// abandoned test code that i might return to eventually
/** I wrote this for thinking purposes, and I will probably use it for some testing maybe????
* Might be able to delete it.
protected $sampleDirectiveList = [
//overrides target.stop.rewind & target_2.stop.rewind
//overrides grp.stop.rewind & target.stop.rewind
// overrides nothing
'then :grp'=>[
//highest priority. This always overrides whatever its loading
* Test that is directives accept overrides
* The functionality exists, i think, but the test is not implemented
public function testExpandIsDirectiveWithOverrides(){
echo "\n\n";
echo "This test is disabled because I haven't actually implemented it yet. Its currently a copy+paste from testExpandIsDirective() (no overrides) ";
echo "\n\n";
return false;
$grammar = new \Tlf\Lexer\Grammar();
$dRoot = $grammar->directives = $this->getSourceDirectives();
$sourceDirective = (object)$grammar->directives['is_directive'];
$sourceDirective->_name = 'is_directive';
$sourceDirective->_grammar = 'grammar';
$directiveList = $grammar->expandDirectiveWithIs($sourceDirective);
foreach ($directiveList as $directiveName=>$directive){
$directiveList[$directiveName] = (array)$directive;