

namespace Tlf\Lexer;

 * @bug if there are curly braces in a command or something, functions will be found that are not there.
class BashGrammar extends Grammar {

    protected $regexes = [

            'state'=>[null, 'comment'],
            'regex'=> '/#[^#]/',
            'regex'=> '/#[^\n]*\n/m',

    public function onLexerStart($lexer,$file,$token){
        // $file->set('namespace','');

    public function lexComment($lexer, $fileAst, $token){
        // echo "LEX COMMENT\n";
        // echo "PreState: ".$lexer->getState()."\n";
        // echo "State: ".$lexer->getState()."\n";
        // echo "Comment Start: ".$token->buffer();
        // echo "\n";
    public function lexCommentEnd($lexer, $fileAst, $token){
        // echo "LEX COMMENT END\n";
        if ($lexer->getState()!='comment')return;
        // echo "PreState: ".$lexer->getState()."\n";

        // echo "State: ".$lexer->getState()."\n";
        // echo "Comment End: ".$token->match(0);
        // echo "\n";

    public function lexDocblockStart($lexer, $ast, $token){
        if ($lexer->getState()=='comment')$lexer->popState();
    public function lexDocblockEnd($lexer, $ast, $token){
        $block = $token->buffer();
        $remLen = strlen($token->match(0));
        $block = substr($block,0,-$remLen);
        $block = preg_replace('/^\s*#+/m','',$block);
        $block = \Tlf\Scrawl\Utility::trimTextBlock($block);

            $docLex = new \Tlf\Lexer();
            $docLex->addGrammar(new \Tlf\Lexer\DocBlockGrammar());

            $docAst = new \Tlf\Lexer\Ast('docblock');
            $docAst->set('src', $block);

            $docAst = $docLex->lexAst($docAst, $block);

        $lexer->setPrevious('docblock', $docAst);
        $ast->add('childDocblock', $docAst);
    public function lexFunction($lexer, $file, $token){

        // echo "State: ".$lexer->getState()."\n";
        // echo "Function: ".$token->match(0);
        // echo "\n";

        $class = new Ast('function');
        $class->set('docblock', $lexer->unsetPrevious('docblock'));
