

namespace Tlf\Lexer;

 * This is an incomplete grammar, mainly used for testing & building v0.5 of the lexer. It gets "quoted values" and nested arrays.
class JsonGrammar extends Grammar {

    public function getNamespace(){return 'json';}
    public function getAstClass():string{
        return \Tlf\Lexer\JsonAst::class;

    public function onLexerStart($lexer,$file,$token){
        // $lexer->stackDirectiveList('phpgrammar:html', 'phpgrammar:php_open');
        // $lexer->setDirective([$this->getDirective('html')]);
        $directiveList = $this->getDirectives(':file');
        foreach ($directiveList as $d){


    public function appendValueToAst($lexer, $ast, $token){
        $ast->add('value', $token->buffer());

    public $directives = [

            // it automatically starts
            // and immediately rewinds one
            // so each of its 'then's can see the first character
        // @todo I need to apply php_close to almost everything...
        'object' => [


        'array' => [ 
                //ast.head =>[ // to say new & set as head?
                    '_setto'=> 'root',
                    //automatically sets as head?
                    //':array.stop', // it would add a duplicate?
                            //ast.head =>[ // to say new & set as head?
                                //automatically sets as head?
                                        // 'rewind'=>1,
                                        // 'badbubble'=>true,
                            // 'pop_directive'=>true,

                                    // 'onStart'=>[
                                        // 'then'=>[
                                            // ''
                                        // ],
                                    // ]
                                        // 'bubble'=>true,

                            // 'bubble'=>true,


            // I think it takes other chars too... need to look up
            // 'start' => '/(\'|\")/',
            'start' => ["'", '"'],
                // 'call'=> 'keyFound',
                //this could set the whole match stored to previous
                //So, like... whatever onStop would have had access to gets stored as previous('key')???


                // ':bool_value',
                // ':numeric_value',

        // 'bool_value'=>[

        // ],
        // 'numeric_value'=>[

        // ],
            'start' => [
            // 'match'=>'/((?<!\\\\)[^$1])+/',
            // fill with the 1st match
            'match'=>[['/((?<!\\\\)[^' ,1, '])+/']],
            // fill with the 1st match
                // this will have to either save it to the object with the previous key
                // or append it to an array
                // I suppose previous(key) will be null if we're inside an array
                // 'call'=> 'store_value',
                // 'pop_directive'=>true,

                //because its only after the stop

                // 'stop'=>true,
                //pop this directive stack?

            'match'=> ':',
            'then'=> [
                ':whitespace'=> [


            // serves as start.
            // Since there's no 'stop', not matching will trigger onStop
            // is i dotall?
