

namespace Tlf\Lexer\Test;

 * Super cleanly written tests for use in Documentation
class Documentation extends \Taeluf\Tester {

    public function testParsingJson(){
        $json = '["Cool",["yes","please"],"okay"]';
        $lexer = new \Tlf\Lexer();
        // $lexer->debug = true;
        // $lexer->useCache = false; // useCache only matters when lexing a file
        $lexer->addGrammar($jsonGrammar = new \Tlf\Lexer\JsonGrammar());

        //this is the root ast
        $ast = new \Tlf\Lexer\JsonAst("json"); //"json" is the type
        $ast->source = $json; //Not required, but I like keeping source in the ast root.
        $ast = $lexer->lexAst($ast, $json);

        // $tree = $ast->getTree(); // not what we normally want with json
        $data = $ast->getJsonData(); // custom method on the JsonAst class

        $this->compare(json_decode($json), $data);
