

namespace Tlf\Lexer;

class Token {

    /** the source string */
    public $source;

    protected $remainder = false;
    protected $buffer = false;
    /** start position in source. First time next() is called, index becomes 0*/
    public $index = -1;
    protected $len = 0;

    protected $prevToken;
    protected $matches =[];
    protected $match;

     * The line number currently being processed. 
     * Ticks up WHEN next() adds a \n, so line number will be increased while \n at top of buffer.
     * Ticks down WHEN rewind() is called, for EACH \n in the rewound chars.
    public int $line_number = 0;

    public function __construct($source){
        $this->source = $source;
        $this->remainder = $source;
        $this->len = strlen($source);

    public function buffer(){
        return $this->buffer;
    public function remainder(){
        return $this->remainder;
     * Set a new buffer. May corrupt the token, but remainder is unchanged.
     * @todo update the token when the buffer is changed. (such as prevToken? index?)
     * @param $newBuffer the full text of the buffer
    public function setBuffer($newBuffer){
        $buffer = $this->buffer;
        $this->buffer = $newBuffer;
        return $buffer;
    public function append($str){
        $this->remainder .= $str;
        $this->len += strlen($str);
     * @alias for `setBuffer('')`
    public function clearBuffer(){
        return $this->setBuffer('');

    public function next(){
        $next = substr($this->remainder,0,1);
        if ($next=="\n")$this->line_number++;
        $this->remainder = substr($this->remainder,1);
        $this->buffer .= $next;

        if ($this->index==$this->len)return false;

        return $this;

     * Remove $amount characters from the buffer & prepend them to $remainder.
     * @warning Its technically not a rewind, since you could change the buffer, then rewind() And have a different set of $remaining characters
    public function rewind(int $amount){
        $chars = substr($this->buffer, -$amount);

        $num_newlines = count(explode("\n", $chars)) - 1;
        // echo "\n\nREWIND\n\n";
        $this->line_number -= $num_newlines;

        $this->buffer = substr($this->buffer, 0, -$amount);
        $this->index = $this->index - $amount;
        $this->remainder = $chars . $this->remainder;

     * Move the pointer forward by `$amount` chars by repeatedly calling `$this->next()`
    public function forward(int $amount){
        while ($i++ < $amount)$this->next();

     * @return array or string or null
    public function match($index=false){
        $ret = $index===false ? $this->match : $this->match[$index]??null;
        // echo "\n\n";
        // var_dump($ret);
        // echo "\n\n";
        // exit;
        return $ret;
    public function setMatch($match){
        $prevMatch = $match;
        $this->match = $match;
        return $prevMatch;
