

namespace Tlf\Lexer2;

 * A value-object to represent an executable command during parsing.
 * This is not used for execution.
class Command implements \JsonSerializable {

     * The command's declaration w/ arguments, for debugging.
    public string $declaration;
     * The declared command (no arguments), for debugging
    public string $declared_command;

     * Array entry declarations, for debugging
    public ?array $array_entry_declarations;

     * The object this command will call
    public string $object;

     * The method on $object that this command will call
    public string $method;

     * Arguments to pass to $object->$method(...$args)
    public array $args = [];

    public function toArray(): array {
        return [

    public function jsonSerialize(): mixed{
        return $this->toArray();
