#!/usr/bin/env bash
# is_project_dir || return;
msg " This feature is imperect, but it should work"
# @TODO Add option for BitBucket, GitLab, Gitea
# @TODO Improve language to use less jargon
# @TODO Allow exiting with q/n/c
# @TODO report location of the key
# @TODO allow naming the SSH key
# @TODO add colors to the instructions
# @TODO add instruction on how to load ssh keys
# Setup SSH Key
msg "An SSH key will securely sign you in without using your online password. \n It saves you typing & is more secure.\n"
prompt_yes_or_no "Configure an SSH key now? (y-yes/n-no)" \
|| return;
#@TODO figure out why gitlab ssh key isn't working
ssh_url=$(url ssh_key)
cd ~/.ssh
msg "\n1. Go to ${ssh_url}\n2. Click 'New SSH Key'\n3. Enter 'GitBent' for the title.\n4. Follow Prompts Below for the key.\n";
msg_instruct "[ctrl-c] to exit this setup"
prompt_or_quit "[enter] to continue" na -e \
|| return;
msg "The SSH Key will be encrypted if you enter a password here. You SHOULD use a password. If you use a simple password, such as a PIN number, then it is very important that your computer is secure.\n"
# read -sp "Enter encryption password (or leave blank): " sshPassword
# echo ""
# read -sp "Confirm encryption password: " sshPasswordConfirm
# if [[ $sshPasswordConfirm != $sshPassword ]]; then
# echo "The passwords did not match. Run \`bent setup\` again."
# return;
# fi
msg ""
msg " --this might take a second or two-- "
# if [[ $sshPassword == "" ]]; then
# echo "doing without password"
# keygen=$(echo "${sshFile}" | ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "git ${gitEmail}")
# else
# echo "Using password {$sshPassword}"
# command="ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -P \"${sshPassword}\" -f ${sshFile} -C \"git ${gitEmail}\"";
# echo $command;
# keygen=$command;
# fi
# ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ${sshFile} -C "git ${gitEmail}"
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f "${sshFile}" -C "<comment>" -C "git ${gitEmail}"
unset sshPassword;
unset sshPassswordConfirm;
msg ""
msg "\n--Copy the public key file & put it online--"
msg " 1. [enter] to print it here.\n 2. Highlight the long block of text\n 3. [ctrl+shift+c] to copy it (or right-click & copy)"
msg " 4. Go back to the online SSH Key screen\n 5. Paste it into the 'key' field"
msg ""
prompt_or_quit "[enter] to continue" na -e \
|| return;
msg ""
msg ""
cat $pub;
msg ""
prompt_or_quit "[enter] to continue" na -e \
|| return;
msg ""
msg " 0. The long text above (including 'ssh-ed25519' and the comment at the end) should now be pasted into the 'Key' field online."
msg " 1. Click 'Add SSH Key' online (skip for GitLab)."
msg " 2. If you used an encryption password earlier, you will be prompted for it next."
msg ""
prompt_or_quit "[enter] to finish" na -e \
|| return;
msg ""
ssh-add ${sshFile}
msg ""
msg ""
msg "Your git environment is setup now! Run \`bent help\` to get started managing your projects, their versions, and backups. "
msg ""
# echo $gitUser;