namespace CatsAre_Green76\Abc\SomethingOrAnother;
class abc extends Baby {
// function ohnothisishtml
* docblock for `class abc extends Baby`
abstract class abc extends Baby implements Cats\AndY\Pajamas {
static public $some_paramater = "abc yes!";
private $somethingPrivate;
static protected $complex_paramater_default_value = "I ; ?> am <?php doing { ' crazy stuff";
const default_visibility_constant = FALSE;
protected const protected_constant = FALSE;
private const private_array_contstant = ['abc'];
public const public_complex_constant = ['a;bc = ', 'something; else?>'];
/**This is a single-line docblock for the class method*/
// function firstcomment
// {
// }
# This is a comment too! uses a hashtag
static public function thisIsAMethod2 ($arg1 = ['ab"c','d"e\'f',"j'h\"k"]):array{
// function commentalso
// {
// }
* Docblock for the named function declared inside the class method
function abc(){
echo "cats";
* " This isn't a string
* ' This also isn't a string
* interface def extends FunnyBusiness implements \Candy\Cats {
* // this is part of a docblock
* }
* @attribute1 some thing about it
* @attrib2 Some different thing