public function __construct($type, $startingTree=[])
public function removeAst($key, $ast)
Removes an ast if it is setto/addedto this ast. If $key points to an empty array, then $key is unset from this ast
public function set($key,$value)
Set $value to $key, overwriting any previously set value
public function append($key, $value)
public function setAll(array $keyValues)
public function add($key,$value, $subKey=false)
Add $value to an array
public function push($key, $value, $subKey=false)
Alias for add
public function has(string $key): bool
Check if key is set on this ast.
public function get($key)
public function getAll()
Get the current tree as-is (asts are still asts)
public function addPassthrough($ast)
public function getTree($sourceTree=null)
Get the tree as a pure array
public function setTree($astTree)
public function __get($prop)
public function __set($prop, $value)
public function __isset($prop)
static public function __set_state($array)