File test/run/Grammars/DocblockGrammar.php
class Tlf\Lexer\Test\DocblockGrammar
`protected $thingies = [
'Docblock.AttributeStalls'=>[ 'is_bad_test'=>'Good test: tests when a docblock contains an @attribute followed by whitespace on one line, then an @attribute on the next line, causing the program to stall & output nothing', 'start'=>['/*'], 'input'=> "/**\n* @one \n* @two okay \n*/", 'expect.previous'=>[ "docblock"=> [ 'type'=>'docblock', 'description'=>"", 'attribute'=>[ 0=>[ 'type'=>'attribute', 'name'=>'one', 'description'=>'', ], 1=>[ 'type'=>'attribute', 'name'=>'two', 'description'=>'okay', ], ], ], ] ], 'Docblock.Empty'=>[ 'start'=>['/*'], 'input'=>"/**\n *\n */", 'expect.previous'=>[ "docblock"=>[ 'type'=>'docblock', 'description'=>'', ] ] ], 'Docblock.MultilineWithGaps'=>[ 'start'=>['/*'], 'input'=>"/**\n *\n * first \n * \n * \n * second \n * \n * \n */", 'expect.previous'=>[ "docblock"=> [ 'type'=>'docblock', 'description'=>"first \n\n\nsecond ", ], ], ], 'Docblock.SameNameAttributes'=>[ 'start'=>['/*'], 'input'=>" /*\n* abc \n* @cat attr-describe\n still describing def" ."\n * \n*\n @cat (did) a thing\n*/", 'expect.previous'=>[ "docblock"=> [ 'type'=>'docblock', 'description'=>" abc ", 'attribute'=>[ 0=>[ 'type'=>'attribute', 'name'=>'cat', 'description'=>"attr-describe\n still describing def", ], 1=>[ 'type'=>'attribute', 'name'=>'cat', 'description'=>"(did) a thing", ], ], ], ], ], 'Docblock.TwoAttributes'=>[ 'start'=>['/*'], 'input'=>" /*\n* abc \n* @def attr-describe\n still describing def" ."\n * \n*\n @cat (did) a thing\n*/", 'expect.previous'=>[ "docblock"=> [ 'type'=>'docblock', 'description'=>" abc ", 'attribute'=>[ 0=>[ 'type'=>'attribute', 'name'=>'def', 'description'=>"attr-describe\n still describing def", ], 1=>[ 'type'=>'attribute', 'name'=>'cat', 'description'=>"(did) a thing", ], ], ], ], ], 'Docblock.WithAttribute'=>[ 'start'=>['/*'], 'input'=>" /*\n* abc \n* @def attr-describe\n still describing def*/", 'expect.previous'=>[ "docblock"=> [ 'type'=>'docblock', 'description'=>"abc ", 'attribute'=>[ 0=>[ 'type'=>'attribute', 'name'=>'def', 'description'=>"attr-describe\nstill describing def", ], ], ], ], ], 'Docblock.VariedIndents'=>[ 'start'=>['/*'], 'input'=>" /*01\n * abc \n * def \n ghi*/", 'expect.previous'=>[ "docblock"=> [ 'type'=>'docblock', 'description'=>"01\n abc \n def \nghi", ], ], ], 'Docblock.IndentedLines'=>[ 'start'=>['/*'], 'input'=>" /* abc \n * def \n*/", 'expect.previous'=>[ "docblock"=> [ 'type'=>'docblock', 'description'=>"abc\ndef ", ], ], ], 'Docblock.MultiLine2'=>[ 'start'=>['/*'], 'input'=>"/*\n*\n*\n* abc \n* def \n*/", 'expect.previous'=>[ "docblock"=> [ 'type'=>'docblock', 'description'=>"abc \ndef ", ], ], ], 'Docblock.MultiLine'=>[ 'start'=>['/*'], 'input'=>"/** abc \n* def */", 'expect.previous'=>[ "docblock"=> [ 'type'=>'docblock', 'description'=>"abc\ndef ", ], ], ], 'Docblock./**OneLine'=>[ 'start'=>['/*'], 'input'=>"/** abc */", 'expect.previous'=>[ "docblock"=> [ 'type'=>'docblock', 'description'=>'abc', ], ], ], 'Docblock.OneLine'=>[ 'start'=>['/*'], 'input'=>"/* abc */", 'expect.previous'=>[ "docblock"=> [ 'type'=>'docblock', 'description'=>'abc', ], ], ],
];` Directives to test.
See Tester clsas for details on how these are structured.
public function testBuildAstWithAttributesBug()
public function testBuildAstWithAttributes()
public function testDocblockDirectives()
Test a bunch of directives