File test/run/main/Grammar.php
class Tlf\Lexer\Test\Main\Grammar
Test features of the grammar class, not lexing, and not any language-specific grammars
protected $grammar;
`protected $sampleDirectiveList = [
'then :grp'=>[
],'target_2'=>[], ];` I wrote this for thinking purposes, and I will probably use it for some testing maybe????
Might be able to delete it.
public function prepare()
public function testGetDirectives()
public function testDirectiveNormalization()
Test grammar->normalizeDirective(); -
public function testExpandIsDirective()
Test that anis
directive expands into an array of the directives it names -
public function testDirectiveOverrides()
Rules: -
public function getDirectivesToLookup()
public function getSourceDirectives()
public function getOverrideDirectives()
public function getNormalizeDirectives()
Get directives as they would be defined & those same directives as they would be after normaliztion -
public function testExpandIsDirectiveWithOverrides()
Test that is directives accept overrides
The functionality exists, i think, but the test is not implemented