File src/Docblock/DocblockGrammar.defunct.php

class Tlf\Lexer\DocblockGrammar_Defunct

I ran into a lot of issues while writing this grammar, so I took a completely different approach.

I think there's some useful stuff here, but if a new Docblock Grammar is to be written, I think this should all be scrapped & a new setup designe.

Be sure to read the notes in ` I ran into a lot of issues while writing this grammar, so I took a completely different approach.

I think there's some useful stuff here, but if a new Docblock Grammar is to be written, I think this should all be scrapped & a new setup designe.

Be sure to read the notes in .dev folder before developing this further!
See source code at /src/Docblock/DocblockGrammar.defunct.php



  • `public $directives = [
    'then :@',
    'then :\n',
    'then :
    'then :!',
    'then :
    'rewind 2',
    'ast.append description',
    'match'=> '/',
    'directive.pop 1',
    'rewind 1',
    'then :
    'then :!',
    'rewind 2',
    'buffer.clearNext 1',
    'buffer.appendChar'=>' ',
    'forward 1',
    'rewind 1',
    'then :\n' =>[
    'ast.append description',
    'then :@',
    'then :
    'rewind 2',
    'ast.append description',
    'rewind 1',



  • public function onGrammarAdded($lexer)
  • public function onLexerStart($lexer, $ast, $token)
  • public function onLexerEnd($lexer, $ast, $token)