File test/input/php/lex/lildb/LilDb.php
class Tlf\LilDb
A lil tiny database class
public \PDO $pdo;
a pdo instance
static public function new(string $user, string $password, string $db, $host='localhost')
Convenience method to initialize with pdo -
static public function sqlite(string $dbName = ':memory:')
Convenience method to initialize sqlite db in memory -
static public function mysql($dbName = ':memory:')
Convenience method to initialize mysql db in memory -
public function __construct(\PDO $pdo)
Initialize with a db handle -
public function create(string $tableName, array $colDefinitions, bool $recreateIfExists=false)
Create a new table if it doesn't exist. -
public function query(string $sql, array $binds=[])
Execute an Sql statement & get rows back -
public function select(string $tableName, array $whereCols=[])
Get rows from a table with the given $whereCols -
public function insert(string $table, array $row)
Insert a row into the database -
public function insertAll(string $table, array $rowSet)
public function update(string $table, array $newRowValues, string $idColumnName='id')
Update an existing row. Shorthand forupdateWhere()
with the id column set as the where values. -
public function updateWhere(string $table, array $newRowValues, array $whereVals)
public function delete(string $table, array $whereCols)
Delete rows from a table -
public function execute(string $sql, array $binds=[])
Execute an Sql statement & get a PDOStatement back -
public function exec(string $sql, array $binds=[])
Alias forexecute()
public function getPdo()
get the pdo object -
public function pdo()
get the pdo object -
static public function whereSqlFromCols(array $columns)
Convert key=>value array into a 'WHERE' sql. -
static public function keysToBinds(array $keyedValues)
Convert an array['key'=>$val, ':key2'=>$val]
into binds:[':key'=>$val, ':key2'=>$val]