File test/run/Grammars/BashGrammar.php
class Tlf\Lexer\Test\BashGrammar
`protected $thingies = [
'type' => 'function',
'name' => 'echo_path',
'docblock' =>
'type' => 'docblock',
'description' => "\n Description",
'attribute' =>
0 =>
'type' => 'attribute',
'name' => 'arg',
'description' => '$1 a path',
]] ] ], 1=>[ 'type'=>'function', 'name'=>'echo_string', 'docblock'=>null ] ], 'comments'=>[ 0=>[ 'type'=>'comment', 'src'=> '# comment 1', 'description'=> ' comment 1', ], 1=>[ 'type'=>'comment', 'src'=> '# comment 2', 'description'=> ' comment 2', ], 2=>[ 'type'=>'comment', 'src'=> '# comment 3', 'description'=> ' comment 3', ] ], ], ], 'comments_functions'=>[ 'start'=>'bash', 'input_file'=>'test/input/bash/comments_functions.bash', 'input'=>null, 'expect'=>[ 'comments'=>[ 0=>[ 'type'=>'comment', 'src'=>'#!/usr/bin/env bash', 'description'=>'!/usr/bin/env bash', ], 1=>[ 'type'=>'comment', 'src'=>'# comment one', 'description'=> ' comment one', ] ], 'function'=>[ 0=>[ 'type'=>'function', 'name'=>'pre_comment', 'docblock'=>null ], 1=>[ 'type'=>'function', 'name'=>'post_comment', 'docblock'=>null ], ], ], ], 'whitespace_docblock_function'=>[ 'start'=>'bash', 'input_file'=>'test/input/bash/whitespace_docblock_function.bash', 'input'=>null, 'expect'=>[ 'function'=> [ 0=>[ 'type' => 'function', 'name' => 'echo_path', 'docblock' => [ 'type' => 'docblock', 'description' => "\n Description", 'attribute' => [ 0 => [ 'type' => 'attribute', 'name' => 'arg', 'description' => '$1 a path', ] ] ] ] ] ], ], 'Docblock_Function'=>[ 'start'=>'bash', 'input'=>"##\n# Commit all files & push to origin host\n#\n# @tip Save your project\n# @shorthand s, commit\n#" ."\nfunction core_save(){\nmsg \"Pretend save function\"\n}", 'expect'=>[ 'function'=>[ 0=>[ 'type'=>'function', 'name'=>'core_save', 'docblock'=>[ 'type'=>'docblock', 'description'=> "\n Commit all files & push to origin host\n", "attribute"=>[ 0=>[ 'type'=>'attribute', 'name'=>'tip', 'description'=>'Save your project' ], 1=>[ 'type'=>'attribute', 'name'=>'shorthand', 'description'=>"s, commit\n", ] ], ] ], ] ], ], 'Comments'=>[ 'start'=>'comment', 'input'=>"var=\"abc\"\n#I am a comment\nvarb=\"def\"", 'expect'=>[ "comments"=>[ 0=>[ 'type'=>'comment', 'src'=>'#I am a comment', 'description'=> "I am a comment", ] ], ], ],
];` Array of inputs to lex & test
public function testBashStuff()
public function testBashComment()
public function testBashDirectives()
Parse & test all tests listed in$this->thingies[]