File test/src/Starter/StarterGrammar.php

class Tlf\Lexer\Test\Src\StarterGrammar

An extremely simple grammar that builds sets of arglist from (arg1,arg2,c) (list2_arg1,arg2)

Basically just a proof of concept



  • public $directives; The actual array of directives, built during onGrammarAdded()


  • public function getNamespace() Defaults to 'startergrammar'
  • public function buildDirectives() Combine the directives from traits
  • public function onGrammarAdded(\Tlf\Lexer $lexer)
  • public function onLexerStart(\Tlf\Lexer $lexer,\Tlf\Lexer\Ast $ast,\Tlf\Lexer\Token $token)
  • public function trimBuffer(\Tlf\Lexer $lexer, \Tlf\Lexer\Ast $ast, \Tlf\Lexer\Token $token, \stdClass $directive, array $args) A method this grammar uses as an instruction to trim() the buffer