

namespace Lia\Addon;

class Autoload extends \Lia\Addon
    public string $fqn = 'lia:server.autoload';

     * an key=>value array
     * @key directory
     * @value array of namespaces in the directory
    public $dirs;

    public function init_lia(){

    public function enable(){
        spl_autoload_register([$this, 'loadClass']);

     * add a directory to be autoloaded, psr4-ish
     * @param $dir the directory that contains classes
     * @param ...$baseNamespaces a list of namespaces that are found in the root of the dir
     * @usage `\Lia\Addon\Autoload::from($lia)->addDir(__DIR__.'/class/');`
     * @usage `$autoload->addDir(__DIR__.'/class/', '\\Tlf');`. `\\Tlf` makes it so a class `\\Tlf\Something` can be autoloaded at `__DIR__.'/class/Something.php'`
    public function addDir($dir,...$baseNamespaces){
        $this->dirs[$dir] = $baseNamespaces;
    public function loadClass($class) {

    public function psr4_autoload($class){
        foreach ($this->dirs as $dir=>$namespaces){
            $namespaces[] = '';
            foreach ($namespaces as $ns){
                //@TODO maybe improve the performance of namespace checking??
                if (substr($ns,0,1)=='\\')$ns = substr($ns,1);
                if ($ns!=''&&strpos($class,$ns)!==0)continue;
                $classPath = str_replace('\\','/',substr($class,strlen($ns))).'.php';
                if (file_exists($file = $dir.'/'.$classPath)){
                } else {
                    // echo $file."\n";
