Liaison Getting Started

We're going to build a simple Liaison application from scratch.


This is old documentation that may not be exactly accurate any longer. Plus, its not a great tutorial, I don't think

1. Install

Download Liaison one of these ways:

  • git clone
    • Make a 'vendor' folder in your project directory, then run git clone inside vendor
  • composer require taeluf/liaison dev-valpha
    • You MUST add "minimum-stability": "dev" to your composer.json
  • Edit composer.json to include "require":{"taeluf/liaison": "dev-valpha"}, then run composer install

2. Setup your environment

2a. Setup Apache

Setup a virtual host so you can view this sample website in your browser. Alternatively, you can execute php deliver.php on the command line.

2b. .htaccess file

You may already have a .htaccess file delivering to a single php script. If so, you can continue to 2b.

  • Create a .htaccess file at the root of your site with the following:
DirectoryIndex /deliver.php

RewriteEngine On

# Prevent child directories from being accessed directly
RewriteOptions InheritDownBefore

# Direct literally every request to /deliver.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/deliver.php$
RewriteRule (.+) /deliver.php [L,QSA]

See our .htaccess tips for forced www. and forced https

2c. Scaffold your project

  1. Create a dir MySite
  2. Create a dir MySite/cache
  3. Create a dir MySite/public

2d. Load Liason

We will autoload Liaison and add a Package (app), which we'll be setting up in the next steps.

  • Create deliver.php file in the root of your site:
//for debugging sake

require(__DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php'); // If you're using composer
// require(__DIR__.'/vendor/Liaison/autoload.php'); // If you're using git clone. This autoload is not yet functional (so use composer)

$liaison = new \Liaison();
$myApp = new \Lia\Package($liaison, __DIR__.'/MySite/');
//Force resource files to be recreated on every request
//Set the cache dir to your own


Right now, Liaison should give you an exception, saying there are no routes found. In step 3, we'll add content.

3. Add a little Content

For more, see all about Routing

3a. Make Files

In your MySite/public dir, create the following files:

  • index.php: Just code in a <h1>Index Page</h1>
  • {cause}.php: No code, yet. & Yes, you DO need the curly braces in the file name. Now refresh the home page of your site. OH WOW, it's a page. Whoop... We're getting to the cooler stuff!

3b. Write a little code

In index.php, after the <h1>, write:


$keys = array_keys(get_defined_vars());

Now you can see all the variables available. (a nice trick to have in your belt)
We'll do a little more later.

In {cause}.php, write:

<h1>Cause name: <?=$cause?></h1>
  1. Visit site.localhost/stop-global-warming/ You see the cause (or the slug, anyway)
  2. Visit /treatment-over-prison/: You see the cause
  3. Visit /black-lives-matter/end-over-policing/: You don't get a page, because the dynamic paramater does not allow slashes

4. Create a View

We're creating a simple view with a button that refreshes the page using javascript. For more, see all about Views.

4a. The Base View

Create the file MySite/view/button/refresh.php, and write:

<button class="refresh">Refresh Page</button>

4b. Include the view on your pages

In both index.php AND {cause}.php, append the following:

$view = $lia->view('button/refresh');
echo $view; //$view is an object, but can be echod

Refresh both pages, and you'll see the button, though it doesn't do anything yet.

4c. Style it

Create the file MySite/view/button/refresh.css, and write:

button.refresh {
	border-radius: 8px 50%;

Refresh & you'll see the styled button.

4d. Script it!

Create the file MySite/view/button/refresh.js, and write:

//Since the script loads in before the html element, we use a timeout. Nasty, but should work.

4e. Pass variables to the view

  1. Edit the $lia->view('button/refresh') call in index.php to: $lia->view('button/refresh', ['name'=>'SomeName'])
  2. Edit refresh.php to use the provided name. Change <button class="refresh">Refresh Page</button> to <button class="refresh">Refresh <?=$name?></button> Refresh your home page & the name should be displayed. Try passing the cause from {cause}.php to button/refresh.php in this same way.

Additional Resources