namespace Tlf\Tester\Test;
* Test the fully-functional server
class Server extends \Tlf\Tester {
public function testDynamicUrl(){
$out = $this->get('/dynamic/babybears/?no_theme=true');
echo $out;
$this->compare('babybears', $out);
* @bug(dec-15-2021) all my requests are delivering to the built-in liaison theme, not to the theme for the site. I noticed this issue in taeluf.com
* @option 1: always overwrite the null-namespace when adding a new view
* @option 2: Add an overwrite($view_name, $with_namespace) function
* @option 3: Find a way to instantiate the SITE before the SERVER
* @option 4: Add a config for overwriting null-namespace when adding a new view
* @option 5: add a 3rd paramater to addView() functions accepting true/false to overwrite/not
* @option 6: Config in Server ADDON to choose what view to use as theme
* @solution option 1, always overwrite null-namespace when adding a new view. If you want the other view, it can be used explicitly.
public function testUsesCorrectTheme(){
$response = $this->get('/');
echo $response;
$this->str_contains($response, '<!-- TEST THEME -->');
* @bug(dec-15-2021) delivering static files works, but doing so through the Resources class does not. Getting a class 'Lia\Exception' not found in StaticFile.php line 104. I removed the Lia\Exceptions for \Exceptions. staticFile is receiving a file path that ends with '.file' because that's how I re-designed the cache class. I added a `$type` param to the static file class constructor & made minor modifications so mime-type is derived from this $type param, if given.
public function testCachedCssFile(){
$url = $this->get('/add-resource-file/');
echo "\nUrl for resource file is: $url\n";
$css = $this->get($url);
echo $css;
public function testStaticFile(){
$response = $this->get('/sample.css');
echo $response;
'background: fuchsia'
* @test a full request to the home page
public function testServer(){
$response = $this->get('/');
'<!DOCTYPE html>',
'index page',