Component based event handling
Declare methods in your components to handle events by prefixing the event name with onEmit
(or onEmit_
) & using unserscores (_
) instead of periods (.
). Example:
class RequestLogger extends \Lia\Compo {
public functon onEmitResponseSent($responseOutput){
file_put_contents(__DIR__.'/log.txt', 'Response sent at '.microtime(true), FILE_APPEND|LOCK_EX);
This function would be called for $lia->emit('ResponseSent')
Create/Emit an event
Just call $lia->emit('nameOfEvent', $param1, $param2, ...$etc)
Functional event handling
Call $lia->schedule('Namespace.nameOfEvent', $callable)
. Then $callable
will be invoked whenever Namespace.nameOfEvent
is emitted.
Available Events
- We haven't documented this yet...