namespace Lia\Obj;
* A View, which passes properties to a template file and loads associated resources (.css/.js files). You must invoke `__toString()` (`''.$view`) or `$view->content()` or `$view->resources()` or nothing happens.
* @todo Add an init + template approach like `view/Blog/template.php` and `view/Blog/init.php`
* @todo Add automatic routing via the view system (which is more robust and neat than simple public-files), such as with a `public-view` dir
* @todo a `<lia-route pattern="/"> might be a valid option, but that seems more like an extension feature than a core feature
* @todo Add events for before-view & after-view
* @todo remove dependency upon $lia and instead do liaison stuff in the addon
* @todo remove addResourceFile() call from this class & do it in the view addon instead, using the resources array
class View implements IView {
* Relative path to the view without file extension. Ex: `view/theme/Header.php` is named `theme/Header`
* @todo add namespacing like vendorname:view/name
protected $name;
* The root directory for finding views
protected $dir;
* Arguments to pass to the template file
public $args = [];
* Output from including the template file
protected $content = null;
* Array of resources
* ```php
* $resources = ['path/to/script.js', 'path/to/theme.css'];
* ```
protected $resources = null;
public $lia = null;
public function __construct($name, $dir, $allArgs){
$this->name = $name;
$this->dir = $dir;
$this->args = $allArgs;
//@TODO perhaps $lia should be a required paramater, not hidden in an array
// print_r($allArgs);
// exit;
$this->lia = $this->args['lia'];
// exit;
* Load all css & js files in the view's directory
* @todo only descend into view/name/css/*.css & view/name/js/*.js
* @return array of resource files `['css'=>['/path/to/file1.css'], 'js'=>[...]]`
public function resources(){
if ($this->resources!==null)return $this->resources;
$lia = $this->lia;
$dir = $this->dir.'/'.$this->name;
$js = \Lia\Utility\Files::all($dir,$dir,'.js');
$css = \Lia\Utility\Files::all($dir,$dir,'.css');
if (file_exists($dir.'.js')){
$js[] = '.js';
if (file_exists($dir.'.css')){
$css[] = '.css';
$resources = [];
foreach ($js as $jsFile){
$resources[$jsFile] = $dir.$jsFile;
foreach ($css as $cssFile){
$resources[$cssFile] = $dir.$cssFile;
$this->resources = $resources;
return $resources;
// return [
// 'css'=>$css,
// 'js'=>$js,
// ];
* Load template file
public function content(){
if ($this->content!==null)return $this->content;
$allArgs = $this->args;
$content = ob_get_clean();
$this->content = $content;
return $content;
* shorthand for content()
public function __toString(){
return $this->content();