

namespace Lia;

interface AppInterface {

     * Called when all apps have been added.
     * By default, this is called before request input or cli input is processed. (i.e. start of `$lia->deliver()` or `$lia->execute()`)
     * Lia\App uses onLiaisonReady() to setup any external addons your app depends upon.
    public function onLiaisonReady(\Lia $lia);

    /** called after input is processed */
    public function onFinish(\Lia $lia);

    /** Called when `$lia->terminate()` is called, which will `exit` after the `onTerminate()` event. */
    public function onTerminate(\Lia $lia);

    /** called by $lia->deliver() after onReady() event */
    public function onStartRequest(\Lia\Http\Request $request, \Lia\Http\Response $response);

    /** called by $lia->execute() after onReady() event */
    public function onCliReady(\Lia\CliExecution $cli);

    /** Get the liaison instance for the app */
    public function getLia(): \Lia;

    /** Return the app's name/namespace */
    public function getNamespace(): string;

     * Get an addon by its name
    public function getAddon(string $addon_name): \Lia\AddonInterface;

     * Get an app's configured value. You may return null or throw if value available. 
    public function getConfig(string $config_name): mixed;

     * Check if the named config is set for your app
    public function hasConfig(string $config_name): bool;

     * Get the absolute path to a directory or file within the app
    public function getPath(string $relative_path = ""): string;
