Old notes

 * Cache files can be used for whatever you like and are stored by key without file extensions, unless you give one to them. Namespaces are recommended.
 * Two files are created when you cache a file: `file-ns.thekey` and `meta-ns.thekey`. The `meta-` file stores the expiry and may hold more information in the future. The `file-` stores the content.
 * @export(Internals.Cache)

 * There is both a public and private cache dir. Both of which are in Liaison's directory by default.
 * - The cache is used by the Resources class to handle your compiled css and js files. 
 * To change the cachedir do:
 * ```php
 * $lia->set('lia.cacheDir', $yourPackage->dir('cache'));
 * ```
 * - You MAY use an explicit path instead of using your `$package->dir()` lookup
 * - `lia.cacheDir` may be anywhere you like.
 * @export(Usage.Cache.dir)

 * Call `$lia->cacheFile($key, $content, $maxAgeInSeconds)` to store a file in the cache.
 *    - You may leave off `$maxAgeInSeconds` to use the default, which is five days
 *    - Cache files cannot be loaded after they expire and will be automatically cleaned up at some point.  
 * Call `$lia->getCacheFile($key)` to get the contetns of a cached file
 *    - returns `false` if the cache file does not exist or has expired
 *    - Files are returned as a string. JSON is not decoded. PHP files are not processed.
 * @export(Usage.Cache)