

namespace Lia\Compo;

class Config extends \Lia\Compo {
    protected $map = [];

    public function apiSet_lia_conf_set($key, $value){
        $this->map[$key] = $value;
    public function apiGet_lia_conf_get($key){
        if (isset($this->map[$key]))return $this->map[$key];
        throw new \Lia\Exception\Base("Key '{$key}' is not set to config.");
     * set the default $value for the $key. This will never overwrite a previously set value.
    public function apiDefault_lia_conf_default($key, $value){
        if (!isset($this->map[$key]))$this->map[$key] = $value;

    public function onPreStart(){
        //@TODO test the configurations that are supposed to propagate to a package from liaison, when prefixed with 'package.'
        foreach ($this->map as $key=>$value){
            $parts = explode('.',$key);
            $prefix = $parts[0] ?? null;
            if ($prefix!='package')continue;
            $package = $this->lia->api('lia.package', 'get', 'package',$parts[1]);
            if ($package==null)continue;
            if (count($parts)==0)continue;
            $package->set(implode('.',$parts), $value);