* This is being used by the Server component. At time of writing, required on line 71 of core/Server.php
* DO NOT DELETE or MODIFY without testing
namespace Lia\Compo;
* Routed files not otherwise handled will be sent, with the correct headers, including browser caching headers.
* Example: For file `public/funny/kitty.png`, url `/funny/kitty.png` will deliver the image file, as you would expect.
* Mimetypes (for headers) are derived from a PHP file internal to Liaison. It's not particularly efficient.
* @export(old.Route.rawFile)
class oldRawContent { //extends \Lia\Compo {
public $name;
public function __construct($file){
$this->file = $file;
// $this->sendRawFile($file);
// public function onRoute_Display($event,$route){
// $file = $route->file;
// if (!file_exists($file))return;
// $ext = pathinfo($file,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
// /**
// * RawContent sends event GetPreferredContentHandler, and if it returns null, then the raw file is sent.
// * Your file handler must implement onGetPreferredContentHandler($event, $routeObject)
// * See [Router Docs](0-docs/Router.md)... or use [This link](0-docs/More.md) if the first one doesn't work. (not sure how I'm structuring my docs)
// *
// * @export(old.Event.GetPreferredContentHandler)
// */
// $preferredHandler = $event->GetPreferredContentHandler($route);
// if ($preferredHandler==null)
// $this->sendRawFile($file);
// }
protected function sendRawFile($filePath){
if (!is_file($filePath)){
throw new \Exception("File '{$filePath}' does not exist");
$type = $this->getFileMimeType($filePath);
if ($type===FALSE)throw new \Exception("Cannot determine file type from path '{$filePath}', so cannot send file headers or file.");
$headers = apache_request_headers();
$mtime = filemtime($filePath);
if (isset($headers['If-Modified-Since']) && (strtotime($headers['If-Modified-Since']) == $mtime) &&$mtime !==FALSE) {
header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $mtime).' GMT', true, 304);
header(('Content-type: '.$type));
} else {
header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $mtime).' GMT', true, 200);
header(('Content-type: '.$type));
header('Content-Length: '.filesize($filePath));
header(('Cache-Control: max-age='.(60*60*24*30)));
public function setHeaders($ext){
$type = $this->getFileMimeType('f.'.$ext);
header(('Content-type: '.$type));
protected function getFileMimeType($filePath){
static $typeMap = NULL;
$typeMap = $typeMap ?? require(__DIR__.'/../../code/file/mime_type_map.php');
// var_dump($typeMap);
$ext = pathinfo($filePath,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
// if (!isset($typeMap['mimes'][$ext]))throw new \Exception("type not available for extension '{$ext}'");
return $typeMap['mimes'][$ext][0] ?? false;
static public function extensionMimeType($extension){
static $typeMap = NULL;
$typeMap = $typeMap ?? require(__DIR__.'/../../code/file/mime_type_map.php');
// var_dump($typeMap);
// if (!isset($typeMap['mimes'][$ext]))throw new \Exception("type not available for extension '{$ext}'");
return $typeMap['mimes'][$extension][0] ?? false;