
This documentation file may not be current

Overview? I guess

  • set($key, $val) will override any previously set $key
  • default($key, $val) will never override set() or previous default() calls
  • get($key) will throw an exception if the $key has not been set

Package Configurations

Set package level configurations

  • $lia->set('packageName.cofig.key', 'value');
  • $package->set('config.key', 'value');
  • new \Lia\Package($liaison, $dir, $configs=['config.key'=>'value', 'another.key'=>'value2']);
    • Or use sub-arrays instead of dot-notation: $configs=['config'=>['key'=>'value']];
  • In the config.json file at the root of your package, containing {"config.key":"value"} OR nested keys: {"config":{"key":"value"}}
    • Do both nested keys & dot keys work? (pretty sure)

Available package level configurations

  • dir.public.baseUrl set to an absolute url path with trailing & leading slashes, like /user/ or /blog/. Defaults to /. Your public/index.php file will be delivered at the base url.

Global Configurations

Set global configs with $lia->set('', 'the value');.


  • lia.cacheDir - absolute path to the directory to use as your cache. Recommended usage: $lia->set('lia.cacheDir', $mainPackage->dir('cache'));
  • lia.resource.useCache - set true or false. true is default. Cache files are created regardless, but if set false, cache files will not be used after initial generation.


  • lia.resource.forceRecompile - true or false (default). true forces recompilation of resource files on every request. I don't remember the rules for recompilation otherwise.
  • lia.resource.useCache - set true or false. true is default. Cache files are created regardless, but if set false, cache files will not be used after initial generation.


  • lia.Cache.clearAfterXMinutes: Maximum frequency that stale cache files should be checked for deletion. Default is 60*24*5 (5 days)
    • You can also set it to 0.5 to set the frequency to 30 seconds.
    • Stale cache files are only cleared at the end of a request, so if you set your cache to clear every 30 seconds, but you only have a request every 15 minutes, your cache files will only be checked for staleness every 15 minutes.
    • The maximum time allowed is 180 days
  • lia.cacheDir: The directory


  • lia.Server.bufferResponse true or false: If true (default), sends all output buffers before emitting the Server.responseSent event. This might not work without Apache configurations


  • Hook into set & get calls. Ex: $lia->set('lia.views.conflictMode','overwrite') would call the Config component's setViewConflictMode() method